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  • Pagani automobili

    yyoiu.jpg (642 KB)

    Free weed!

    yfbFd.jpg (650 KB)

    Chihuahua on alert!

    ntcnE.gif (1 MB)

    Last to comment gets $5

    funny.png (21 KB)

    Same with this post, go!

    Piano for rap

    vfg.jpg (17 KB)

    Stopping power

    whooop.gif (986 KB)

    The wrong fucking line!

    yU7bA.gif (1 MB)


    tumblr_m965diQeBM1qaxj1po1_500.gif (1009 KB)

    Car wash girls

    tumblr_m5wil2Qux51r1xoepo1_1280.jpg (237 KB)


    PuWGu.gif (999 KB)

    Bat catcher

    bat_catching_cat.gif (1 MB)

    Keyboard waffles!

    5.jpg (108 KB)

    Instagram definition

    9eID9.jpg (71 KB)

    Horny Snooki

    snooki.gif (689 KB)

    Free back massages

    tumblr_malzqjs0gO1qbxub3o1_1280.jpg (282 KB)


    so_close_and_yet.gif (1017 KB)

    oh wait–

    Feeling it

    hnnn.gif (1 MB)

  • Sexy bedroom

    hdQ0N.jpg (315 KB)

    UP Wars

    tumblr_m7ssalcafb1rq7dv6o1_1280.jpg (645 KB)

    Target destroyed

    destroythoseshades.gif (1 MB)

    Drip birds

    drip_birds.gif (1000 KB)


    Interference pattern

    interference_pattern_P.PNG (447 B)

    Does this image/pattern do to your monitor’s resolution what it does to mine…?
    What’s doubly weird is that I made it on MSPaint not two hours before posting it.

    Islands of the Dead – wallpapers

    IslandoftheDeadIII_J.JPG (555 KB)

    IslandoftheDeadV_J.JPG (257 KB)

    …rather, “Isle of the Dead” III & V (1883, 1886) by Arnold Bocklin.

    Ashley Wood’s Metal Gear

    333.jpg (318 KB)

    metal-gear-solid-digital-graphic-novel-20060922051152499.jpg (343 KB)

    tumblr_m6qbebDuzH1qhw6ioo4_1280.jpg (617 KB)

    tumblr_m6qbebDuzH1qhw6ioo5_1280.jpg (460 KB)

    From the comics

    Derelict sub

    origin_John-Pounds-Scrap-Yard-25.jpg (45 KB)

    Lost the sauce…somewhere in England, iirc (“John Pounds Scrap Yard”?)
    Six forward tubes, though…fucker was built to sink ’em.


    thrown.jpg (2 MB)

    I whop my head berkaderp

    iwhipmyhairbackandforOWW.gif (2 MB)



    sweateh.jpg (39 KB)

    Upflip fail

    upflip_fail.gif (4 MB)

    “Upflip”…what IS that move (the one he was trying to do) called, anyway?

    Halo 4 – Evil Awakens

    tumblr_mcblroKBfr1rw2dpdo1_1280.gif (897 KB)

    Evil Awakens – Halo 4

    Phone thief

    phone_thief.gif (3 MB)

    Happens more often than you think, here in the big city.

    Video Game Cosplay

    c77IP8-IUEKSidOzPF8qSA2.jpg (99 KB)

    ZPaiwuvUeUOur5Xq4WKBBw2.jpg (37 KB)

    55e421a9-d56d-4a47-8b98-34310c66530e.jpg (262 KB)

    diablo-3-demon-hunter-cosplay.jpg (146 KB)

    Some of my Favourites

    Coon dilemma

    77hj.jpg (52 KB)


    IMAG0471.jpg (1 MB)

    IMAG0470.jpg (1 MB)


    Hotdog deep throat

    Hotdog_deep-throat.gif (1 MB)

    What did you say??

    fBkWS.gif (1 MB)


    leaves1.jpg (566 KB)

    leaves2.jpg (997 KB)

    leaves3.jpg (414 KB)

    leaves4.jpg (378 KB)

    leaves5.jpg (652 KB)

    Your dad on MCS

    l3Nkn.gif (1 MB)

    Search history

    id-rather-just-confess-to-the-murde.jpg (116 KB)

    Beach girls

    1350761580082.jpg (85 KB)

    1351192133625.jpg (61 KB)

    1326015700077.jpg (336 KB)

    1351497540743.jpg (63 KB)

    Cats are creepy

    the-cat.jpg (624 KB)

    creepiest_kitten.gif (1 MB)

    WV9Vb_20.JPG (37 KB)

    breakfast-table-photobomb-500x375.jpg (41 KB)