My Vag (nsfw)

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  • The Wind Through the Keyhole

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    Tyger.jpg (443 KB)

    Illustrations by Jae Lee for the book by Stephen King. I recommend listening to the audiobook as it’s read by King himself.

    Blind Mag

    Blind-Mag-repo-the-genetic-opera.jpg (159 KB)

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    Willem Dafoe the Vampire Slayer

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    I’d watch that.

    fancy alien party

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    water well

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    Romney Nipple Play

    Window washers at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh don costumes

    Pennsylvania window washing service sent a quartet of workers in superhero costumes to brighten windows and spirits at a children’s hospital.

    Edward Matuizek, president of Allegheny Window Cleaning Inc. in Springdale, said the company did not charge the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh for Monday’s window-washing by Spider-Man, Batman, Superman and Captain America, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported Tuesday.


    Mandarin – Iron Man 3

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    Sir Ben as the Mandarin. Great actor, but I wonder why they didn’t get someone Asian?

    wolf and melon

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    orange tree

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    Kom Pyu Tor

    kom_pyu_tor.gif (443 KB)

  • Could be worse

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    Up, Up, & Away

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    President Cap

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    Finally, someone as real as their positions.

    Beware the…

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    Baked Potato

    baked-potato.jpg (365 KB)

    AT AT Toilet

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    Sitting down 24 miles up

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    Felix Baumgartner sitting at the edge of space moments before plunging to Earth at speeds of over 1200 kmph


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    Gassy Fact

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    Black Cat Nycc 2012

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    One of many pics in my blog


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    Lemon Tea Wallpaper

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    Mixed messages

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    Aleister Crowley

    Aleister_Crowley_old_and_with_pipe.jpg (150 KB)


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    Bro Thor

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    flip flops

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    Mondo’s Halloween Posters

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    Scrapped Jurassic Park 4 art

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    Dinosaur people…… GENIUS!!!

    Casual Thanos

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    Green suits him…like a Bizarro Hulk.

    Breaking Ned

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