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  • Record Holder

    136.183-miles-per-hour.jpg (73 KB)

    136 mph

    Squid and whale

    squid-and-whale.jpg (158 KB)

    Milked like a cow

    1930s-hair-salon3.jpg (120 KB)

    Penny Century

    comics-blow-out181.jpg (299 KB)

    The Duchess of Alba

    Maria+del+Rosario+Cayetana+Fitz+James+Stuart+wxzcO4cBcs5l.jpg (126 KB)

    Plague angel

    samothrace.jpg (80 KB)


    chain-matches.gif (1006 KB)


    palladium_by_fluor_doublet.jpg (219 KB)


    Frog jockey

    1280px-Estavayer_frogs_IMG_5096.JPG (104 KB)

    Jesus moves

    jesus_moves.jpg (66 KB)


    kathy_ireland_1987.jpg (208 KB)

    in 1987

    orange coche

    however you spell it

    Arrnim Zola, the Bio-Fanatic

    Captain-America-208-19.jpg (230 KB)

    Would love to see them bring back Toby Jones like this in a sequel.

    Soyuz take of

    I sure do wish america had a manned spaced program


    528048_10151055081429105_1846104701_n.jpg (24 KB)

    Elvis and Ed Parker

    elvis_karate_1.jpg (50 KB)

    Apparently Elvis was a Kenpo guy.

    Zdzislaw Beksinski Painting

    Beksinski-pic8.jpg (309 KB)

    A painting from one of my new favourite artists: Zdzislaw Beksinski.
    I tried to do a megapost with a whole bunch of his paintings but I couldn’t get it to work.