Solar Flare

eruption-on-the-sun.jpg (144 KB)

our-sun-erupts.jpg (127 KB)

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  • Painted Ceiling

    andrea-pozzo-painted-ceiling-church-of-st-ignazio3d.jpg (301 KB)

    by Andrea Pozzo, Church of St. Ignazio, Illusionist Technique


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    Spring is almost here. Woohoo!

    Underwater Range

    shooting-glock-handgun-with-hollow-point-bullets-underwater-3.jpg (42 KB)

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    Monsters Inside Us

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    Snu Snu

    SNUSNU.jpg (71 KB)

    Double Q facepalm

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    Because sometimes fail is too hard, even for an omnipotent being.

    Punch It!

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    chick dances

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    red chair

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    You go first

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    Weatherman of Doom

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    “You know you’re gonna die when Jim Cantore shows up in your neighborhood…”
    –random tweet during Hurricane Sandy

    biden smile

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  • flamethrower

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    Lady in Red

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    love pink

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    leo and oscar

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    Gnarly Man!

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    Walt’s Empire

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    Filthy Brie

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    dog training

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    banana beer

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    For the ladies

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    Chicago Skyline

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    by Robert Elves


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    …piss the Nigga Space Elf.

    The Soap Doubles As Lube

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    Hmmm, they seem to come in an assortment of shapes and sizes.


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    b-a-n-a-n-a-s.jpg (57 KB)

    Let me hear you say this sh*t is bananas
    ‘Cause I ain’t no Hollaback Girl

    Not even once

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    That’s a car

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    I’m hungry

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    morning at the sea

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