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  • Nissan GT-R

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    Blade Runner

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    Armored Girls Project

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    Sunk by the Titanic?


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    Monster trash

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    promotional photo for 2001: A Space Odyssey

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    Edwina Carroll, promotional photo for 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968, UK/USA dir: Stanley Kubrick)

    Costume design: Hardy Amies

    Star Trek

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    Concept Art

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  • AeroMobil 3.0

    The current flying car prototype AeroMobil 3.0 incorporates significant improvements and upgrades. It is now being tested in real flight conditions since October 2014. Initially certified by the Slovak Federation of Ultra-Light Flying, it now entered a regular flight-testing program.

    via AeroMobil 3.0 – Bits and PiecesBits and Pieces.

    Hasbro Could Be Considering A Gobots Movie

    On January 21st and on January 24th, Hasbro has applied for a new Go-Bots trademark (this is not a renewal) under “distribution of motion pictures, ongoing television programs” and “Toys, games and playthings, namely, toy vehicles and accessories for use therewith“.

    via Hasbro Could Be Considering A Gobots Movie.

    can’t be worse than the Transformers movies, those were terribly sad.

    Leader Shoes

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    The Enterprises

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    Faked Moon Landing Proof

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    Supersized model just signed with a major agency

    Model Tess Holliday just went from small-town girl to fashion-world big deal.

    Tess, a 29-year-old Mississippi native, signed a contract with British modeling agency MiLK Management and tells People that her success comes after years of bullying and self-doubt.

    via Meet the size-22 model who just signed with a major agency.

    The world needs more courageous women like this who are full of self determination, donutes and fried chicken.



    Beijing Smog

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    The Arrow

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    Chris Pratt Eyed For Indiana Jones

    Disney has just started to turn its attention to reviving the Indiana Indiana Jones bullwhipJones franchise after buying the rights from Paramount in 2013. I’m cautioned that while things are very early, I hear the studio has set its sights on Chris Pratt as the swashbuckling archaeologist they hope to build the new franchise around, the role made famous by Harrison Ford in Raiders Of The Lost Ark.

    Parental Response

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    Saddle Seats

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    Snow Jacuzzi

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    barely there dressing

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