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  • Hybrid

    I-want-it-027-08132013.jpg (206 KB)



    Why I’m Single

    Why I'm Single.jpg

    Cruise Pee View

    Cruise Pee View.jpg


    I dunno man.  seem sketchy to you ?

  • At the internet

    At the internet.jpg


    I think I actually owned this book!

    Cloak and Dagger

    Cloak and Dagger.jpg


    I can’t wait for this series!




    might be a bad thing if this is an orbiting platform, but I choose to believe that it’s a seed ship about to drop it’s cargo on a new planet.

    Jill is given a task

    Jill is given a task.jpg



    Nazi Camp

    Nazi Camp.jpg


    consider for a moment you’re delivering pizzas, and you roll up and see this.

    Important E-Mail

    Important E-Mail.jpg


    sadly this is how I feel all my coworkers manage their email.



    upside down drinks

    upside down drinks.jpg


    I understand the “how” of this, but I do not comprehend the “why” of it.

    Render First aid

    Render First aid.jpg

    Hotdog boy

    Hotdog boy.jpg

    Weapons Support

    Weapons Support.jpg

    Batgirl 41 Joker Cover

    Batgirl 41 Joker Cover.jpg


    Long story short, some SJW’s got this covered banned from being released because of reasons.  What were those reason?  they were stupid reasons that stem from the fact they were stupid SJWs with a history of destroying beautiful things.

    Wang buttermilk

    Wang buttermilk.jpg


    sabrina-008-06252013.jpg (186 KB)

    lingerie-friday-001-09262013.jpg (263 KB)

    lingerie-friday-009-03062014.jpg (198 KB)


    POOP.jpg (264 KB)


    imagesbull-midget-matador.gif (1 MB)


    4ab49337-0ffb-4638-aea2-3b593e32d582-1.jpg (800 KB)

    Art by Tomer Hanuka.

    The Leviathan

    tumblr_nlf5k0wnTo1r7i8nxo1_1280.png (1 MB)

    The Leviathan: science fiction short by Ruairi Robinson.