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  • Green Board Room

    Green Board Room.jpg


    nature will consume all

    Aero Spacelines Super Guppy

    Aero Spacelines Super Guppy.jpg


    it’s pregnant with baby planes.

    Cadillac Cien

    Cadillac Cien.jpg


    well this is pure sex

    happy Spud

    happy Spud.jpg

  • fruits


    RIP Stan Freberg

    stanf.jpg (144 KB)

    RIP Geoffrey Lewis.

    salem.jpg (11 KB)

    “Look at me teacher.”

    Lewis was a fantastic character actor and he made a huge impression on me in Salem’s Lot. Aside from this, he had a long and diverse career, and worked a great deal with Clint Eastwood. We can also thank him for being involved in the creation of Juliette Lewis.

    Hump the Bundle Partnership

    MCS is teaming up with a new site that’s got some relatively interesting content, it’s obviously NSFW, so if you click on it, you’re going to see porn. They’re essentially exactly like the Humble Bundle, but with porn instead of video games/ebooks.  I’ll be posting their ads to the front page because that’s where the primarily traffic is, so if it doesn’t interest you, please just keep scrolling, if it does interest you, MCS gets a tiny kick back and they donate the majority of the proceeds to charities of different flavors.  This month’s is supporting The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom. Click the more tag below to see the full ad:


    Flaming Monument

    Flaming Monument.jpg


    looks russian.

    painting Protest

    painting Protest.jpg

    Deconstructed Weapon

    Deconstructed Weapon.jpg


    I cannot ID this weapon.

    Enterprise G

    Enterprise G.jpg

    Ammo butt

    Ammo butt.jpg


    that’s a hot load right there.

    light horn

    light horn.jpg


    having spent a fair bit of time being frustrated at drivers that do this, I find this hilariously sad.

    Sunset AT-AT

    Sunset AT-AT.png

    Butt Dress

    Butt Dress.jpg

    Strand Craft 122

    Strand Craft 122.jpg


    stealth mode engaged!  this actually reminds me of a crappy tv show I watched in my youth.  I believe hulk hogan was on it?