Some stuff I drink

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  • Liquid marijuana

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    1/2 ounce Malibu rum
    1/2 ounce light rum
    1/2 ounce blue curacao
    1/2 ounce apple pucker or melon liqueur
    Equal parts sweet-n-sour mix and pineapple juice
    Garnish with a cherry

    MCS Alcohol

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    Purple drink

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    Don’t know the name but that St. Germain Elderflower shit is amazing!

    Alcohol + Physics

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    equals rainbows!

    MCS Alcohol

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    Alaskan vodka

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    made with smoked salmon

    MCS Alcohol Reserves

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    having an adequate stash for any occasion

    Oddka flavors

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    Apple Pie
    Fresh Cut Grass
    Salted Caramel Popcorn


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    Possibly in Michigan

    Deadhead rum

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    Deadhead is a 6 year old rum. It bottled in a very unique bottle shaped like a shrunken head, known as a Tsantsa.

  • Czech Beer

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    I recently returned from a trip to Czech Republic and have a renewed love for beer. From a refreshing Pilsner to the amazing Master Tmavy, beer flows freely in CZ.

    Rum Punchy!

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    It would be easier to post what I don’t enjoy drinking… in other words imagine this is a post of an entire well stocked liquor store, those would be my favorites.

    Link to the image:

    MCS Alcohol

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    what i drink, what i smoke, and my beautiful, intelligent wife.

    Flaming cocktails

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    Burn baby burn


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    Made with cachaca, limes and sugar

    MCS Alcohol

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    The Vesper

    Ian Flemmin’s Vesper martini – in this case 6 parts Gordon’s, 3 parts Smirnoff & 1 part Kina Lillet, shaken with ice, strained & served with a twist of lemon. Not for the faint hearted.


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    I usually drink Vodka mixes (redbull,tonic,cran) but am also a fan of margaritas. Here’s me enjoying a margarona with my better half Lucie.

    Bitch vodka

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    Would Dick Vodka have a blue label?



    The Negroni –
    Equal Parts Campari, Gin, and Sweet Vermouth, with a flamed orange peel for garnish.


    MCS Alcohol

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    The “Find Your Beach” image I made up from a “LOST” screen grab and free use Internet photos. All the rest are solely mine, my camera, props, and home.

    My current tipple

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    Sweet cider, very tasty

    Made in Utah

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    Golden Spike Hefeweizen by Uinta Brewing Co.
    and my personal favourite
    Polygamy Porter by Wasatch Brewery

    Faxe 10%

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    This is what I drink. It’s pure Viking beer. One can of this is the alcoholic equivalent to about 4 domestic beers or 3 imported. When I am being especially assholic, I’ve got a couple of these in me.

    Wine and Grapes

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    stupid enough

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    Be sober

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    Do not drink and baby

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