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  • brunette

    What-a-Side-View-Imgur.png (514 KB)


    62d81412b3599c8e.jpg (935 KB)


    dcbb57194f.jpg (681 KB)

    Trust me I’m a priest…


    …of a death god.

    Kangaroo looks like is about to put someone’s lights out


    Looks pretty capable of doing it too.

    Good fact


    Don’t Open the Door

    corridorIraybloodfog.png (1 MB)

    You’ve been warned

    Has Been – Common People

    hasbeen.jpg (51 KB)

    Apparently WW and WS reconciled after this, SOMEHOW.

    Gothic architecture

    image.jpg (1 MB)

    I designed this for a church in Toronto. It’s a transom above the main entry. While I did the artistic and technical design, there was a crew of six guys who did an incredible job of not losing fingers during the construct. It was made entirely with handheld power tools. No C&C machinery.

    BBQ outlaws

    Pip Boy Labs

    Pip Boy Labs.jpg

  • Batgirl by Holly Brooke

    Batgirl by Holly Brooke.jpg


    one of the best cosplays of batgirl I’ve ever seen, very well done!

    Death of Reddit

    Death of Reddit.png


    where were you when you heard the news?

    Ariel Winter in a bikini

    Ariel Winter in a bikini.jpg


    so I guess all those other pictures were of her in a push up bra or something?  cause that’s not what i was expecting her in a bikin to look like.

    how to roll sleaves

    how to roll sleaves.jpg

    Liberty Belle cosplay by Reign Cosplay

    Liberty Belle cosplay by Reign Cosplay.jpg


    one of the few cosplays that doesn’t involve tits flopping all over the place?

    How does that work

    How does that work.jpg

    Reddit – Rise of the Safe Spaces

    Reddit - Rise of the Safe Spaces.jpg


    turns out she was the last bastion of free speech in their offices.