Doctor Called

Doctor Called.jpg

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  • pickle farmer

    pickle farmer.jpg

    Doof Warrior Cosplay

    Doof Warrior Cosplay.jpg


    so it’s not the toilet seat or the Guitar Hero controllers that make me lol, it’s the tiki torch.

    Ladder mind fuckery

    Ladder mind fuckery.jpg


    why use one ladder when you can use 3?

    The Sundays – Wild Horses

    If you have that nagging felling, BtVS 03×20 is probably the answer.



    female rider

    female rider.jpg

  • Dildo

    wtf57.gif (492 KB)


    photo-245.gif (783 KB)

    Kiwi Cake

    Kiwi Cake.jpg

    There are 4,000 posts left to tag!

    With 102 days remaining, there are 4000 posts left to tag, which means I’ll need to do at least 39.216 posts per day to be done in time.   On my off time, I’m working on the MCS Plus transition, but I need your help!  navigate your sweet ass over to mcs plus and click on the submit link, it’s not less confusing and should be easier for you to process.  Just click on MCS+ in the header.

    There’s still a couple things for me to do over there though, primarily change the way the posts/images are displayed, then add in some code to cross post just images or entire posts over to the main sites.

    Please note, anything you post on PLUS will be shown on that site immediately and makes it eligible to be posted to www or nsfw.

    Slave Labor

    Slave Labor.jpeg

    Adult Slip and Slide Catcher

    Adult Slip and Slide Catcher.gif


    that thing is huge.  where would one find something like that?

    also, I need a yard that large.

    Could be a joint meeting

    Could be a joint meeting.jpg


    fatties getting divorced vs drinking.

    Terrible Decision

    Terrible Decision.png


    just sayin is all.

    Focus review

    51y9A82BaGL. SX940 FocusWill Smith stars as Nicky, a seasoned master of misdirection who becomes romantically involved with novice con artist Jess (Margot Robbie) as he’s teaching her the tricks of the trade.

    Source: Amazon Instant Video

    Much better than I was worried it was going to be, now I’m looking foward to seeing Smith/Robbie in the upcoming Suicide Squad film.