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  • House of Wax review

    917V3BcGeQL. SL1500 900x1024 House of Wax

    In the wicked performance that crowned him the movie’s master of the macabre, Vincent Price plays a renowned wax sculptor plunged into madness when an arsonist destroys his life’s work. Unable to use his flame-scarred hands, he devises a new – and murderous – way of restocking his House of Wax.

    I had no interest in the movie, but saw some good discussions about it on a neat image site, so I figured I’d give it a try. Vincent Price is a legend, so how bad could it be? Turns out, not bad at all. There’s a couple scenes that seriously horrified me, specifically the corset tightening scene, and there’s some fun lines from people due to the age of the film (died by car accident – “I didn’t think they went that fast!”). There’s some truly obnoxious 3d scenes with a paddle ball, but come on, this movie was from 1953, I’ll give them the pass on showing off the latest movie gimmicks. At the climax of the film, there’s a Sam Raimi style punch special effect that I both absolutely loved and laughed at it’s simplicity. They’re not fooling anyone with it, but I can appreciate it for what it was.

    This was a great movie, really worth your time if you have the opportunity to watch it. Oddly enough, the 1953 version is a remake of an earlier film from 1933 that I may check out some time in the future.

    Top Gun review

    911UwsVBoL. SL1500 809x1024 Top Gun

    Top Gun takes a look at the danger and excitement that awaits every pilot at the Navy’s prestigious fighter weapons school.

    Aka, Marverick’s totally sweet adventure in the desert where he finds adventure and true love, all at the bank where checks are written but not cashed.

    RIP Goose.

    Miracle Mile review

    81Qrq5hA0FL. SL1500 844x1024 Miracle Mile

    “Miracle Mile” starts conventionally enough with bashful musician (Edwards) going ga-ga over waitress (Winningham). After a pleasant if somewhat quirky day together, Edwards and Winningham plan a tete-a-tete at the all-night restaurant where the girl works. While preparing to call her on a pay phone, Edwards intercepts a frantic call from a soldier stationed at a midwestern missile silo. The message: nuclear warheads have been launched, and it’s only 70 minutes to Armageddon. This unsettling news casts severe doubts over the future of Edwards’ and Winningham’s relationship, but they manage to touch base before the big bang. This is an optimistic slant on the end of the world.

    That line about “optimistic slant”, I disagree with it. There’s some good here, but humanity clearly cannot be trusted to act nicely when the end of the world is at hand. I enjoyed the film, it’s a great look into a possible end of days response. I took some notes:

     And there you go.  it was a fun bonkers movie with some sorta familiar faces.

    Westworld 1973 review

    91Si8pStIPL. SL1500 809x1024 Westworld (1973)

    For $1,000 a day, vacationers can indulge whims at the theme park called Westworld. They can bust up a bar or bust out of jail, drop in on a brothel or get the drop on a gunslinger. It’s all safe: the park’s lifelike androids are programmed never to harm the customers. But not all droids are getting with the program.

    I’m not a big cowboy fan, but I sure do like some robots. I never gave this movie the time of day until the HBO series, and even then I had some trepidation about the original 1973 movie, which to be honest I can’t really defend too well. The movie is great, though it does take way too long for all the murderin’ to start up.

    The final confrontation in the other part of the park is straight up terrifying.

    Super Troopers 2 review

    914YBDIElLL. SL1500 912x1024 Super Troopers 2

    Everyone’s favorite law enforcement team is back by popular demand with the long anticipated follow up to the cult comedy classic…SUPER TROOPERS.

    I missed the Super Troopers. Sure we got to see the actors in SMASH HITS like Club Dread, Slammin’ Salmon and Beerfest, but it was the hilariously inappropriate weed obsessed Highway Patrol team that we all fell in love with. Thanks to social media and crowd funding the team got back together and here we are, with a sequel that was well worth the wait. There’s plenty of inappropriate humor here, but it’s all in good taste. If you liked the original film, you’ll like this one.

  • Crazy Rich Asians

    crazy rich asians cover 640x735 Crazy Rich AsiansThree wealthy Chinese families prepare for the wedding of the year.

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