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  • snow Train

    Brenda Song in bed

    The House with a Clock in Its Walls

    81UPGRqmwlL. SL1500 722x1024 The House with a Clock in Its Walls

    In the tradition of Amblin classics where fantastical events occur in the most unexpected places, Jack Black and two-time Academy Award winner Cate Blanchett star in The House with a Clock in Its Walls. The magical adventure tells the spine-tingling tale of 10-year-old Lewis (Owen Vaccaro), who goes to live with his uncle in a creaky old house with a mysterious tick-tocking heart. But his new town’s sleepy façade jolts to life with a secret world of warlocks and witches. Based on the beloved children’s classic book.

    What’s up with Jack Black and all these kid friendly films lately? (checking google) Oh, his kids are 10 and 12, so now he’s doing stuff that’s going to appeal to them too. That’s a thing I guess, it’s not like all his previous work was so raunchy that kids could never watch it. On to the film though:

    It was fun. No one’s going to write a thousand word essay on how great it was, but it was a fun movie to watch, Jack Black was charming as always and Cate Blanchett was distressingly pretty and stole nearly every scene she was in. I see why she was chosen for the role, but it really felt like she was slumming it here.

    A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 The Dream Child

    81EcbUM0GAL. SL1500 689x1024 A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 The Dream Child

    The kids on Elm Street have. For five years, a walking nightmare named Freddy Krueger has haunted their sleep–seeking revenge for the horribly disfiguring death he suffered at the hands of the children’s parents. Now, through the dreams of an unborn child, Freddy has resurrected himself … and he’s looking for new victims in A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child.

    The movie opens with an infamous Rape Room that birthed Freddy; an origin that took 5 movies to get to and is completely fucked up in any way that I think about it. This scene is followed up by a graduation scene that goes on way too long and doesn’t really have the same feel as the rest of the movie. Turns out that Freddy was a demon baby from birth! born from a nun that was nearly raped to death by crazy people, but this isn’t just a flashback though, this is the actual rebirth of freddy, and freddy can getcha while you’re awake now! but why!?

    Maybe because the main girl is “just a little pregnant”?

    There was another rap song during the credits, I don’t think freddy was rapping this time though, for better or worse.

  • beep beep boop muthafuckas



    81lFDZ8H00L. RI SX300 Overlord

    On the eve of D-Day, American paratroopers are dropped behind enemy lines to carry out a mission crucial to the invasion’s success. But as they approach their target, the G.I.s come face-to-face with enemies unlike any the world has ever seen.

    Fantastically better than I was expecting, the acting was fantastic, the story was believable, and the special effect were on point and completely believable. I went in thinking this was going to be yet another WW2 zombie story, but it isn’t. I mean, it sorta is, but not in the way those trailers would make you think.

    I suggest you check it out if you liked Inglorious Basterds, it had the same attention to detail and the same kind of brutality.


    91MhpwfEfiL. SL1500 724x1024 Wakefield

    Successful suburbanite commuter Howard Wakefield (Cranston) has taken a perverse detour from family life: He vanishes without a trace. Hidden in the attic of his garage, surviving by scavenging at night, he secretly observes the lives of his wife (Jennifer Garner) and children. But soon, he realizes that he has not left his family … he has left himself. Also starring Jason O’ Mara and Beverly D’Angelo, Wakefield is “one to definitely seek out”, (The Hollywood News).

    This is a one man show for Bryan Cranston, starring Jennifer Gardner’s sideboob. Much like other movies that are primarily one person (Buried is the first to come to mind), the entire movie hinges on the abilities of the primary star, which in this case are fantastically and readily apparent. The entire concept is one that most people are familiar with and have likely played around with in their heads: What if we just gave up on our lives and went somewhere else? Only in this case, he didn’t go anywhere, he just lived in the detached garage watching his family move on.

    The ultimate resolution left me feeling weird, but honestly I feel like what would happen in the 30 seconds after the final scene would be perfect content for another full movie and I’m happy to leave it where they left it.

    It’s great fodder for discussion at least, so if you’ve seen Wakefield, how do you feel about his decision to detach, and how do you feel about that final scene?


    DC TV Titans poster 693x1024 Titans

    This is the best I’ve ever seen for live action Titans. The series thus far has been ok to great, with some weird pacing issues that happen from time to time. There was a curious pocket pilot episode for another entirely different show, and while yes it got us Beast Boy, it still felt out of place.

    The CW is still killing it with their shows, but Titans is a bit better than anything they’ve offered so far, but only just.

    go ahead, try to grab it

    take the remote