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  • colorful lake

    The Predator

    91Cbupl9ZzL. RI SX300 The Predator

    In Shane Black’s explosive reinvention, the Predator is deadlier than ever, and only a ragtag crew can prevent the end of the human race.

    Fits in with the other Predator movies, for better or worse. There’s some obvious problems with the editing of the film, which might be considered spoilers, so I’ll not go into details, but I do have to wonder: was it the behind the scenes drama where Munn decided to be a moral Judge Dredd or did the film run over budget and reshoots were not possible?

    Other than the editing, the soundtrack had great callbacks, the special effects were pretty, and the story wasn’t complete trash. It could have been much worse, but it could have been a bit better too, but that’s just like all the other Predator films.

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