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  • Classic VR

    Bird Face

    Frog Corner

    Red Latex Queen

    Coke Biker

    Tongue Underboob

    Squat Dinner

    big head in bed

  • Happy Guard

    it’s a fucking miracle


    Movie Date

    Door Room

    Cutie in a sports bra

    Monkey Holder

    fancy red solo cup

    Pipe Tunnel

    Tiger Girl

    best friends & a homeless guy

    via — let’s play spot the drunk homeless guy (passed out on the park bench)

    The Day the Earth Stood Still remake


    Watched this again, after many years, because well… Giant Robots!!!

    I would’ve let the Earth reset if only beause of that annoying brat kid.

    The only good thing that I thought while watching it, is how absolutely beautiful Jennifer Connelly is.


    best friends & a homeless guy


    via — let’s play spot the drunk homeless guy

    A Power Grab

    The Accountant

    91GhajtXeL. SL1500 257x300 The Accountant

    A forensic accountant un-cooks the books for illicit clients.

    I’ve seen this before and enjoyed it and enjoyed it this time too. I was given the opportunity to purchase it for $5 in MS money, which is free for some people, so I now own the 4k version of this film.

    Yay me.

    Punisher The Ghosts of Innocents

    4117mAMrVkL Punisher: The Ghosts of Innocents 51Wrpgw0M6L Punisher: The Ghosts of Innocents

    The Punisher’s harassment of the Kingpin finally overrides the amusement value of hiding the man the Punisher wants to kill. The criminal is thrown to Frank Castle, who executes him via train. This does not calm the ghosts.

    There’s a couple different ways to portray The Punisher:

    1 – He’s a crazy psychopath that had a horrendously traumatic event happen and now he’s a cold blooded murder that schemes and plots to kill the worst people in the world using the most violent and explosive methods possible.
    2 – He’s a crazy psychopath that literally sees the ghosts of his family, along with the ghosts of any innocents that get wrapped up in his crusade against anyone that even so much as litters in his line of sight.

    This two issue mini series went the second route. It’s not a horrible story, but man I do not like the idea that he’s just running around talking to ghosts and asking them who to kill next.