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    Alita Battle Angel Review Do Female Cyborgs Dream of Breasts

    15alitabattle facebookJumbo 500x262 ‘Alita: Battle Angel’ Review: Do Female Cyborgs Dream of Breasts?

    James Cameron teams up with Robert Rodriguez for this big-screen adaptation of a Japanese manga. Cue the fighting, bad dialogue and more fighting.

    What a disgusting and revolting review. I doubt rather strongly that women of any background would not include their breasts when it comes to their own mental self image.

    Russian Doll

    38d75830f7f6cf5f 203x300 Russian Doll

    A cynical young woman in New York City keeps dying and returning to the party that’s being thrown in her honor on that same evening. She tries to find a way out of this strange time loop.

    How did they make a series out of this and not just a two hour movie? More importantly, how did they manage to make a series that’s THIS GOOD? The first couple episodes are pretty fun and in the same vein as Groundhog day, as seen through the haze of cocaine infused weed with psychotropics, but then the plot takes a massive turn into the weird and creepy and proceeds to wrap up in a lovely way.


    MV5BNzA2Yjk5NmItYzNjNS00OWVlLTkwOWQtYzcxNzY1ZDA4MzViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjY5ODU3OA@@. V1 SY1000 CR007071000 AL 2050

    A family man struggling to hold it all together discovers a parlor that offers a solution…sexbots.