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  • Office Ninja Split

    bird bear feeder

    meat train

    Cliffside outhouse

    Vanessa Kirby

    facial art

    Roast and Toast

    Jedi Poser

    Metro Exodus

    moving day

  • Loneliness

    Everybody feels lonely sometimes. But only few of us are aware how important this feeling was for our ancestors – and that our modern world can turn it into …

    How to fix it:
    Step one: say yes when people invite you out, even if you think you’ll be bored.
    Step two: invite other people out to do things.

    Tiki Asks: It’s Spring Again! What are you planting this year?

    I have some herbs that survived the winter that I’m going to be tending, then I’ll be replacing some azaleas that were killed.  Eventually those flowers are going to block my nieghbors from seeing right into my house, but for now they’re just 16 inch plants with a couple flowers.


    Snow Tree

    Red Seat Drinker

    desert view

    Dove in red

    blue flowers

    Pizza Burger

    Sausage vs Eggs

    ice road disaster

    rainbow dress


    Scary Door

    The LEGO Movie 2 The Second Part

    lego movie 2 poster 202x300 The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part

    It’s been five years since everything was awesome and the citizens are facing a huge new threat: Lego Duplo invaders from outer space, wrecking everything faster than they can rebuild.

    This was a fun sequel that hit all the right notes but still felt like it wasn’t needed, almost as if the first movie really did everything I needed from a LEGO film.