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  • venom eyes

    can you check in the back

    Flawless Emperor

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    river leaf cat

  • Running in and out

    4,260 Likes, 125 Comments – Tommy Siegel (@tommysiegel) on Instagram

    I hate running in either place, but walks? I love walks.

    Forest Cat

    curious cat

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    Sam Webb on Continuing Mission

    samwebb Sam Webb on Continuing Mission

    Continuing Mission recently featured Sam Webb:

    The folks at Modiphius are working hard to produce a top-quality game. But who are the exact people who make it happen?

    I was able to corner Sam Webb, Star Trek Line Manager, in his geek cave (as seen in photo) to find out what makes him tick! Sam started tabletop gaming as a teenager, starting with Warhammer 40k and moving onto Dungeons and Dragons in his last year at Drama School, where he trained to be a theatre director.

    Check out the Sam Webb author page to view other sightings and a full list of books!

    Bird Box

    bird box netflix movie poster 691x1024 Bird Box

    When a mysterious force decimates the world’s population, only one thing is certain: if you see it, you take your life. Facing the unknown, Malorie finds love, hope and a new beginning only for it to unravel. Now she must flee with her two children down a treacherous river to the one place left that may offer sanctuary. But to survive, they’ll have to undertake the perilous two-day journey blindfolded. Academy Award® winner Sandra Bullock leads an all-star cast that includes Trevante Rhodes, with Sarah Paulson, and John Malkovich in #BirdBox, a compelling new thriller from Academy Award® winner Susanne Bier.

    Vox Lux

    MV5BMTg1NzIxNDUyNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzY1MDI2NjM@. V1 576x1024 Vox Lux

    An unusual set of circumstances brings unexpected success to a pop star.

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