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  • MCS Top Posts for the week ending 2020-05-08

    Here’s this week’s Top Stuff

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    rattrap2474: You will successfully unfuck the fucking fuck you fucked when you were trying to unfuck the other fucking fuck you fucked. The number of fucks and unfucks involved is un-fucking-believable.
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    Saborlas: Trump needs this pandemic to go away so he can get the economy restarted. So he has social media agents putting forth astroturf movements to reopen America as he announces a miracle cure that will be available “soon.” He doesn’t realize that reopening America right now will result in a second wave, just like with the Spanish Flu. He’d need foresight for that, and he has proven all his life that he refuses to think things all the way through.


    Man trying to shop at Miami Beach Publix without mask




    1969 FORD BOSS 429 MUSTANG





    Black Corona

    Black Corona




    A JOURNEY OF REDEMPTION – Become Nara, an ace pilot facing her haunted past, and Forsaken, her sentient ship. Their quest for redemption will take them across the galaxy and beyond the boundaries of reality to unite resistance forces and stop the Circle and their leader, the Great Prophet, at all costs.

    VENTURE BEYOND THE VOID – Enter a dark new universe, teeming with mystery and rife with conflict. Explore sprawling space stations and trading hubs. Engage your enemies in exhilarating zero-g dogfights amongst exploding stars, dying planets, atmospheric asteroid belts, glittering ice fields and strange planes of existence outside our own. Chorus balances the scale and spectacle of space exploration with frenetic, fast paced action.

    ONE PILOT, ONE SHIP, ONE LIVING WEAPON – Attain powerful and distinct weapons and combat upgrades. Master your ship’s unique drift mechanic and intuitive abilities including extra-sensory perception, teleportation and telekinesis to overcome massed hordes of enemies and take down titanic battleships. Chain your powers together to become the ultimate living weapon.




    Man trying to shop at Miami Beach Publix without mask


    Rainbow Surf

    Star Trek Son’a Die-Cast Flagship Star Trek The Official Starship Collection – Eaglemoss Collection

    The 19th special of the Official Starships Collection is the Son’a Flagship, powerful starship that was fitted with illegal weapons with an unusual design.

    An ‘ok’ model with a short magazine that was more worth my time than the display model, after all this is a pretty boring ship that’s too busy for my tastes.

    Turns out that the designer and the CGI folks didn’t talk to each other about what direction the ship faced, so it ended up flying backwards in the movie “Star Trek: Insurrection”.


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