Jared Loughners voter registration

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He’s a registered democrat. But we sure won’t hear the main stream media mention that little tidbit too often.
Do a search and find out why he got kicked out of college, and under what circumstances he would be allowed back.

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    Saw this same graphic earlier, except it said Republican. I call shoop on both, since you need either the drivers license number or voter registration number to do a search on that site.

    Alec Dalek

    And it still begs the question: Why would someone assassinate someone they agree with?


    “Loughner registered to vote for the first time in 2006, said Chris Roads, Pima County’s registrar of voters. He registered as an independent and last voted in the 2008 general election.”


    The Matrix: Rebooted

    ^^This is how its done. Link a source. In a world full of photoshop, you can’t just post an *.jpg and expect us to take your word for it.


    Party affiliation doesn’t matter to me. I just want to see him hung from a tree.


    You fake.


    ?! What the fuck are you talking about?!


    I notice you suddenly think party affiliation doesn’t matter when someone isn’t clearly democrat.



    I’m not affiliated with any party. I’m conservitive by choice but I can have an open mind. And party doesn’t matter when someone evil kills a bunch of people. If i can see past the politics, why can’t you?


    The problem is you demonstrably can’t see past politics.

    You’re a slanderous little shit when it come to anything regarding “the left” in this country, but a guy with potential right wing leanings does something crazy, and all of a sudden “party doesn’t matter”, and you expect everyone to play nice.

    It’s hypocrisy that’s typical of someone who can’t see through politics.

    You want to know what it is to see past politics? I can see past politics. To tell the truth, the jury is still out on whether Loughner was influenced by the right’s violent rhetoric.

    And even if he was influenced, he was also an unstable loony, so it’s unfair to implicate the Teabaggers and Beck and Palin in this.

    That doesn’t mean Palin and Beck and all the other pundits are off the hook. They’ve been promoting violence and fantasizing about second amendment solutions for a while now. They need to take a step back and use this opportunity to rethink what they’ve been saying.

    That’s called critical thinking. Look it up sometime.

    And then there’s people like you. You spread garbage and misinformation as fact. And before you deny it, remember when you were applauding your little shit stain friend while he blatantly lied about me? I can prove it in black and white.

    How about that?




    You’re a slanderous little shit when it come to anything regarding “the left” in this country, but a guy with potential right wing leanings does something crazy, and all of a sudden “party doesn’t matter”, and you expect everyone to play nice.

    It’s hypocrisy that’s typical of someone who can’t see through politics.

    You want to know what it is to see past politics? I can see past politics.

    Clearly, you can’t, “Sambo”, since all you seem to be capable of spewing is boilerplate right-wing reactionary bullshit. What the fuck does Loughner’s party affiliaton have anything to do with it? Sheer batshit homicidal lunacy knows no party line, so pull your head out of your ass already.

    That’s called critical thinking. Look it up sometime.

    You first.

    And then there’s people like you. You spread garbage and misinformation as fact. And before you deny it, remember when you were applauding your little shit stain friend while he blatantly lied about me? I can prove it in black and white.

    How about that?

    LOL…trolled much?


    You got a couple things wrong here. This is not the first conversation sambo has had with Timmay, it’s more of a follow up. If anyone is spewing reactionary bullshit it’s Timmay.
    Secondly, sambo’s point wasn’t that Loughner’s party affiliation matters, it was a reference to a comment Timmay left on a prior post. This is what Timmay had to say: “Kinda funny that if a liberal democrat shoots a liberal democrat in the head, its a republicans fault.”

    There’s no evidence to support the claim that Loughner is a liberal democrat. Timmay doesn’t form his opinions based on facts, he forms his facts based on opinions.


    Well said, dieantagonista.


    Just calling it as I see it. Appreciate the update, though.


    It’s cool, I know all political discussions look crazy if you don’t keep up with them from the beginning. It’s only that sambo’s reaction was justified, I try not to be so aggressive any more but he said everything I was thinking.


    Right wing bullshit?

    You just had a major reading comprehension fail. I’m actually liberal.

    And my point was I am a liberal, but I am NOT assigning blame based on assumed party affiliation.

    Learn 2 read.


    You still behave like a pissy little child. Grow up.


    You should take a look in a mirror.

    But at least I have rudimentary reading comprehension.


    That of a child.


    LOL. The MSM is only as liberal as its corporate owners. You.fucking tool.


    Statisitcally most people get their news from cable news, and Fox is the most watched news channel.

    Therefore, FOX is the MSM.


    I’m a registered Republican, and I’m a “liberal”. Point invalidated.


    How does that work exactly?


    Serious question?


    Yes. I have voted republican, yet am extremely liberal on social issues. Little by little, over a few decades I’ve going further left…or the country is steadily going right. In the 70s (when I grew up), I think Obama would have been considered center-right.


    Well, my initial point was that political registration has little to with political inclination. I’m a registered republican but I vote very “liberal”.

    Any attempt to associate Loughner with a political party is a lame attempt at guilt by association. The guy was a whack job. Even if he was a Registered Republican I wouldn’t lay blame on the Republicans in this instance.

    I used to vote more republican, but I was very liberal on social issues, like you.

    I agree with you about Obama. He would be considered center right in the 70’s. Hell, I think he’s center right today. But most people seem to think he’s a radical left winger because of all the effort to brand him as such.


    Interesting. I wonder how many of us, or our counterparts, are out there.


    Based on a completely unscientific guess, I would speculate a lot.

    It seems like a lot of people I talk to fall into this category.


    We need an MCS poll!


    Wow, even your avatar looks like a troll.


    I see. I disagree with you so I’m a troll. Clearly it’s impossible legitimately hold a different opinion than you.

    Keep building that ad hominem, boy.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You guys are missing the point. It didn’t matter who he voted for because he hated the government in its entirety. You’re looking at it from a ‘who did he side with’ perspective. He sided with anyone who didn’t want the governing bodies in place to be in place anymore.

    That’s not right or left wing. Its no wing.

    Whats important to learn is that he acted like a maniac so his beliefs are pretty much invalidated. Paying attention left wing assholes? Because you’re about 80% of the way there to where he ended up. Yes there are right wing crazies but not nearly as many and not nearly as crazy. No matter what your left wing controlled media has told you (as disgusting as it is that they continue to brainwash you.

    Any coverage on CNN or the NY Post about the female, Mexican governor of New Mexico who was just sworn in? The first Mexican female governor in history. Oh wait…she’s a republican.


    So “left wing assholes” are 80% of the way to killing kids?

    Eat shit , you lying twat. There are left wing kooks, but I don’t see them going to protests with guns and fantasizing about “second amendment solutions”.

    You should take a good long look in the mirror, Navi. Loughner was crazy, but his beliefs were that the US government isn’t constitutional and violence is a solution to the problem.

    You should be paying attention, asshole, instead of pointing fingers like you always do.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Hey way to miss the point.

    Being anti government is NOT RIGHT WING. Are you able to comprehend what you read?

    Left wing nutfucks like you are 80% of the way to the level of crazy that guy demonstrated…yup. Probably more actually. You fucking retard.

    You don’t see left wing voters at protests?!?!?


    You win the retard award. Probably not the first time too.

    Pay attention? To what? Your inability to understand my post?


    “Hey way to miss the point.

    Being anti government is NOT RIGHT WING. Are you able to comprehend what you read?”

    I never said it was. Keep building that straw man.

    “Left wing nutfucks like you are 80% of the way to the level of crazy that guy demonstrated…yup. Probably more actually. You fucking retard.”

    Again, go fuck yourself. Tragedy strikes, and all you know how to do is resort to you tired old smear tactics.

    “You don’t see left wing voters at protests?!?!?”

    You really are dishonest. My post is right above yours, moron. I see you compulsively lie by omission.

    To clarify, since you lack honesty, I said you don’t see them at protests WITH GUNS, TALKING ABOUT SECOND AMENDMENT SOLUTIONS.


    Citation needed.

    So the Tea parties are left wing now?

    So are you gonna try re-writing history now. You just compound your lies every time I talk to you .


    “You win the retard award. Probably not the first time too.”

    Nope, you drooled your way to that award a long time ago.

    “Pay attention? To what? Your inability to understand my post?”

    You should pay attention to your own compulsive dishonesty, you sack of shit.

    Oh yeah, you’re still a lowlife liar.


    Man, I’m trying to stay out of this one but that “not nearly as many and not nearly as crazy” bullshit was about the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on all the internets.

    I mean if you’re talking homeless and bellowing in the streets crazy maybe, but you guys definitely win in the terrorism and body count categories of crazy.

    And I actually saw a nice little profile and interview with NMs new governor. On MSNBC.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You saw it on MSNBC? Link? Was this before or after the left wing media got called out on being such racist fucking idiots afraid that if they lose ground in framing right wing voters as evil white men they’d lose what’s left of the little leverage they have over the more weak minded voters?

    You should have gone with your instinct and stayed out of it you fucking idiot.

    Go to anything politically related. Nothing but a few crying little cunts like you who mysteriously got the day off of work (work? why work when your right wing voting parents pay all your bills still?).

    Reality is already proving how much worse off America is when it listens to the overly vocal coast based left wing asshats. Now that the framing of voting properly and fairly is being steered away from ‘those evil straight white men with their suits and jobs’ you’re only a few years away from having your sorry sad social left overs canceled all together and your country put back on track.


    It’s funny because you pretend to care about facts now.



    I was watching tv, dude, I’m not going to go scratching around for a link, I really have nothing to prove to you.

    You’ve either achieved a whole new level of troll as performance art, in which case, you know, congratulations or whatever- or else you’re just fucking nuts. Jesus.

    You should talk to someone. Someone besides Michael Savage.

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