No Fucking Dumping


To any uneducated, uncultured, illiterate, uncivilized son of a bitch that dares to dump here.  You will be fucked-up on site and your remains will be dumped into the trash of the same mentality of what you are.

P.S. if any problems or queries arise from this notice, please don’t hesitate to raise your complaints in person at plot 38.

FUCK YOU –Andre 

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  • The L Word Cast Photo

    Yeah so I’ve been watching this, and thus far it hath been great.

    Giant Roxboro Plant


    I bet this is a dream factory making nice dreams for EVERYONE!

    Procrastination Motivational Poster


    I’ll find a picture for it later.

    Goatse Sighting


    In Omaha, NE

    Mike Tyson’s Punch Out


    Look at you scared now, you hoe.  Scared like a little white pussy.  Scared of the real man.  I’ll fuck you till you love me faggot.

    Viking Water Mellon


    Can’t Take The Chance Joke


    A man and his every-naggin wife went to vacation to Jerusalem.  While they were there, the wife passed away.  The undertaker told the husband, “You can have her shipped home for $5,000 or you can bury her here in the Holy land, For $150.”  The man thought about it and told him he would just have her shipped home.  The undertaker asked, “Why would you spend $5,000 to ship your wife home, when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only $150?”

    The man replied “long ago a man died here, was buried here, and three days later he rose from the dead.  I just can’t take the chance…”

    Trey Parker And Matt Stone : Servents of the dark lord Xenu


    “So, Scientology, you have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun!”

    Tonight, we do the “bad place” (ky advertisement)


    so who’s going to get reamed?

    I Am A Thief I Stole From Wal-Mart


    Thief = Hero!

    Getting dressed

    The new way to body paint

    Pole dancing


    Pole Dancing


  • Sandwich.


    [Food porn]

    Garfield Buttsecks!




    [Food porn]

    It’s a bird!


    D-Day: Battle of Normandy



    Smileys are murder


    Don’t use smileys anymore.

    US Army


    This is made of 100% truth and 50% lulz

    Yes that is 150% we’re the army we can do that.

    Tea Bagging


    Thundercats Pilot Nudism


    Another door I’m not allowed through


    [this door is closed]

    Perfect Movie Post Placement

    Superman Return / Eragon / X-3
    What does it spell!?  SEX!

    contradictions part 1 MILLIONSSSS!!!!!!


    ya i know that one is not plural (plz no comment on my grammer it’s embarassed enough as it is)

    She may look clean-


    “You can’t beat the Axis if you get VD”

    Roundabout Animation

    California Death Circle
    A few of these popped up in my area and I hate these things…only because nobody else knows how to drive through one and I always end up getting almost driven off the road or sandwiched by a someone who has never been on one before. These have no business building these things in California…everyone here is already a bad enough driver as is.