Vietnam Memorial & Jack

Tiki Memorial.jpg (147 KB)

Tiki died in Vietnam?

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  • Motorcycle Flight

    Its Flying Time.jpg (66 KB)

    Gigantic Poncho

    International Poncho Day.jpg (39 KB)

    Bridge’s Got Good Support

    This looks safe to cross - Bridge.jpg (46 KB)

    Holding Down the Computer

    Hold The Computer.jpg (56 KB)

    Mind Fuck

    mindfuck.png (1 KB)

    something to cause hemorrhaging of the eyes…

    Fun Slide OF DEATH!

    Slide Ownage.jpg (60 KB)

    Mutant Bear

    Katahdin.jpg (58 KB)

    The mutant bear from the 1970s movie Prophecy. To sum up the movie, some extremely pissed off, deformed bears suffering from mercury poison terrorize Maine.

    Think Green

    532191202154706.jpg (35 KB)

    Hardcore Scene – Then and Now

    1207270853661.jpg (94 KB)

    Emo-fags need to GTFO.

    Night of the Lepus

    lepus.jpg (72 KB)

    It’s the 1970s version of Snakes on the Plane!

    Rome Versus Africa

    1206768012217.jpg (295 KB)


    spider01.jpg (42 KB)

    Lots of Helicopters!

    Helicopters!.jpg (110 KB)

    Abomination art

    abomart01 copy.jpg (49 KB)

    abomart02 copy.jpg (51 KB)

    The new all-Hulk issue of Marvel Spotlight magazine has some sweet concept artwork of Abomination

    Welcome to Shitterton

    shitterton1_28856t.jpg (19 KB)

    Shitterton_Sign.jpg (599 KB)

    Named One of Britain’s Rudest Named Cities

    “The only annoying thing is that the Shitterton sign is always being stolen. Three have gone so far this year”

    Full List Here:

    just kidding – there’s no candy

    kidding.jpg (50 KB)

    this cant have a happy ending

  • teh bucket revenge

    bukket-02.jpg (47 KB)

    the italian job just failed

    228ub.jpg (13 KB)

    just cause you can dont mean you should

    men Vs women

    2.jpg (32 KB)

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    5.jpg (135 KB)

    found these

    Punisher – Tim Bradstreet

    punisher_max_06.jpg (227 KB)

    punisher_max_31.jpg (433 KB)

    punisher_max_60.jpg (554 KB)

    Tim Bradstreet recently decided to stop doing Punisher covers. I just finished reading the Punisher MAX series (up to 50); anyone know of other good, gritty comics like this and The Walking Dead?

    Art is from Bradstreet’s site.

    Mouse Riding a Cat Riding a Dog

    n100136532077584897wa1.jpg (28 KB)

    Dog_Cat_Mouse062707a.jpg (66 KB)

    Taking the whole “X riding a Y” to a new level.

    Bikes in Amsterdam

    Bikes in Amsterdam.jpg (109 KB)

    Big Ass Moth

    Big Ass Moth.jpg (129 KB)

    Best Calendar Ever

    Best Calendar Ever.jpg (75 KB)

    Absolut Beauty

    Absolut Beauty.jpg (127 KB)


    Carnivàle venice.jpg (587 KB)

    Carnivàle venice2.jpg (283 KB)

    Carnivàle venice3.jpg (293 KB)

    Carnivàle venice4.jpg (370 KB)

    Carnivàle venice5.jpg (460 KB)

    Venezia, Venice, Veneto, 2008

    Goatse Ride

    Goatse Ride.jpg (79 KB)

    Deploy The Penguins!

    Deploy the Penguins.jpg (78 KB)

    Flatulent F-111

    Flactulant F-111.jpg (23 KB)

    Bull Run

    Bull Run.jpg (290 KB)

    Bora Bora

    Bora Bora.jpg (85 KB)

    I Need A Vacation

    I Love You

    I Love You.jpg (31 KB)

    Location of God

    Location of God.jpg (62 KB)



    T-Bone.jpg (70 KB)

    Strange Cargo

    This Picture Makes No Sense.jpg (216 KB)

    Talk Nerdy to Me

    Talk Nerdy to Me.jpg (100 KB)

    Its the Hat

    Its the Hat.jpg (26 KB)

    We Are Idiots

    We Are Idiots.jpg (77 KB)

    Wedding Cake Eating Contest

    Wedding Cake Eating Contest.jpg (68 KB)

    Useless Sign

    Please Close Gate.jpg (98 KB)

    Gun Mount

    tripod.jpg (46 KB)

    A Pissed Off Squirrel

    pissed off squirrel.jpg (23 KB)

    Hidden query on google

    google hidden.JPG (72 KB)

    Notice the first URL without the “&hq=burgers” after the “q=google” . This is a hidden query hence the first result for each picture is diffrent yet the search still says “google” in the search box.