Door Prank

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My buddy’s door last year, in the middle of our prank war with the girls.

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  • Snack Drawer

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    Most of my snacks from my freshman year. I kept all the chips in the next drawer. Having a high metabolism is GREAT.

    Great Deal

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    You gotta love Walmart. Hey, this is my first time posting on MCS, after a long period of lurking, so go easy on me.

    Funny road signs

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    I saw these and had to snap a shot (with my phone unfortunately). A lot of rural roads seem to have functional names so this sign really made me wonder. heh

    You wouldn’t…

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    Find it if you can!!!
    Or, if you can find a bunker, then you can find a bridge.

    My dorm wall is pretty awesome

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    I made this out of post-its and electrical tape. It took about an hour to stick them on the wall and about three hours to run all over town for supplies.

    The Sun Is A Mass Of Incandescent Gas

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    Some really nice close ups of the surface of The Sun from

    Real reason why Halloween will suck this year

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    Admit it guys, no matter how good the movie Joker was, it’ll get out of hand. Just like a decade ago with Scream’s killer.

    Original without text:

    More VP Debates

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    Various images taken from the NASIOC forums.

    Cats are metal

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    Ajax and Achilles Playing Dice Vase

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    Archaic period, ca. 530 BC


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    part one and 2
    it may be shooped, but i may be wrong.

    Transformers 2 Filming at AMARG

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    Some friends here on Davis-Monthan AFB caught some pics of Transformers 2 being filmed at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group, AKA: The Bone Yard.

    Salma Hayek’s Oktoberfest Bewbs

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    Happy Oktoberfest!

    Nike Burger

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    Connect The Dots Tattoo

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  • Cockdiesel

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    Saw this on my way back to work after an install today.

    Bizarro Justice League

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    Don’t you mean BIZARRO, Bizarro Justice League?!

    Tree of Life

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    Discovery Island, Disneyland

    Kathedrale in Dresden

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    Anyone know the name of this cathedral?

    Bacon Heaven

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    Jesus and his Hydrofoil

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    After flipping his hydrofoil, young Jesus quickly leaves the scene before his old Father finds out!


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    Chicago at night

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    Jakobshavn Fjord, Greenland, 2007
    At four miles (six kilometers) wide and several thousand feet thick Jakobshavn Isbræ disgorges icebergs like these faster than any other of Greenland’s glaciers. Its output, accelerated by global warming, totals some 11 cubic miles (45 cubic kilometers) of ice each year.


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    Know your Mavericks; it could save your life

    Monkey Lovin’

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    Natty Light

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    Let the beer snobbery begin!

    I snapped these pictures on a warm summer night about a month ago.

    Car paint Job

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    This is a new paint Job- the last one was gold and had “Twix” painted on it.

    Ninja Fail

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    What do you call the last Ninja in their graduating class? Ninja!

    sheep skull

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    Train Dumping Molten Something

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    Low Tide?

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    I hope.

    Bacon bible

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    Hidden Dangers

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    “Hidden Dangers”

    The danger appears to be hikers not wearing pants. Unless I’m missing something.

    Not so trailer trash

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    Or it didnt happen

    Rasterbatorium Stairwell

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    This is the famous stairwell at the Rasterbatorium library, where Arthur G. Halliwell was murdered.

    Tasmanian Devil

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    “Yulgilbar is the first devil pup born at the sanctuary since 1995. ”

    There is much more cuteness to be found here.


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    The mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus, not to be confused with the similarly named mandarin fish) is a small (~6 cm/2.4 in), brightly-colored member of the dragonet family, popular in the saltwater aquarium trade. The mandarinfish is native to the Western Pacific, ranging approximately from the Ryukyu Islands south to Australia..


    God or Not-God

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    I’m eating your votes

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    i’m in your election

    eating your votes

    Drunk Pumpkin

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    Eurofighter over Seville

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    Spanish Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon flying over Seville. Interesting places in the pic: Sevilla FC home stadium and Plaza de España (U Shaped building in park, used in Lawrence de Arabia and Attack of the Clones).


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