Blind Man Vs Pissing Dog

A blind man was walking down the street with his dog. They stopped at the corner to wait for the passing traffic. The dog, at this point, started pissing on the man’s leg. As the dog finished, the man reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a doggie treat and started waving it at the dog. A passerby saw all the events happening and was shocked. He approached the blind man and asked how he could possibly reward the dog for such a nasty deed.

The blind man replied, ‘Oh I’m not rewarding him, I’m just trying to find his head so I can kick his ass.
DeadDog » DeadDog Archive » Blind Man

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  • Paintballed

    Paintballed.jpg (56 KB)

    Awesome Hat

    Nice Hat.jpg (58 KB)

    Cat Hug

    Kitty Hug.jpg (115 KB)

    Lots of Mini Snowmen

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    Krampus, companion of St. Nicholas

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    A man dressed as a Krampus, traditionally the companion of St. Nicholas who might dole out punishment to bad children. One of Austria\’s unique Advent traditions, this man is seen as a part of a Krampus procession in the city of Unken, Austria on Friday, Dec. 5, 2008.


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    I killed thousands for him and all he gave me was his damning silence. Now his lapdogs weep for every life I take and my Gods promise me the galaxy…

    Chocolate Beer

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    Yeah or Nay?

    Chocolate Beer

    Snot Cleaner

    Snot Cleaner.jpg (447 KB)

    Shadow Hat

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    Cat In Heaven

    Kitty Heaven.jpg (76 KB)

    Flying Monkey

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    Developed Island

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    Cassette Tape Skeleton

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    Only in Alabama

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    A lady was telling the other day that she saw a man driving down the interstate, and a dog was hanging on to the tail gate for dear life. She said if he hadn\’t been going so fast in the other direction she would have tried to stop him.

    A few weeks later her son sees this truck at the Bass Pro Shop!

    It\’s a taxidermist!


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    1 – a religuos holiday.
    2 – a tracktor.
    3 – a political rally, for the nationalists.

    You have no idea how it is here…

    Make love to her like in the movies

    My girlfriend wanted me to make love to her like in the movies. So, I stuck it in her ass and came on her face. She got pissed. I guess we don’t watch the same fucking movies! — Sat Dec 27 – Lefturn’s Funny Shit

    O Hai! – Ike Teddy Bear

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    I saw this with my buddy Drew driving through an Hurricane Ike-ravaged part of Houston (Antione & 43rd). It appears this tree is still fallen in somebody’s front yard. Ike happened in the middle of September 2008 and this was yesterday 01/10/09…four months later!! Hey, even if our city doesn’t get cleaned up, at least the teddy bears stay happy!

  • Meet Dextre

    Saturn3D.JPG (264 KB)

    You knew it was just a matter of time before we created something this fucking dangerous. And no one would\’ve guessed that it\’d come from Canada.

    Mario What The Fuck Is This Shit

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    …Is this shit!!!

    Falcore as a Puppy

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    I always wanted a Wish Dragon Puppy!

    Man vs Jaguar

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    Long way to retirement

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    My 401k is worse than your 401k!

    Original X-Men Wallpaper

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    Fuck yeah!

    Super Mario Bros

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    Hoarfrost in Anchorage

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    It\’s cold. -20 this morning! What happened to \’Global Warming\’?


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    My ex and I drank a hundred year old bottle of this one night and played furniture tag well into the next morning.

    Eight Big, Bearded Men On A Bed

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    I forgot drunk.
    And gay.


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    We’re getting awfully high Helicopt-O-Bot. Maybe we should head back down.

    But Timmy. You only built me to go up.

    Myself Personal Pelvic Muscle Trainer

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    I found this on under the sexuality section. Kegel exercise device. Perfect secret santa gift…

    Gingerbread CPU

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    The fan is great.

    Scent circle

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    Wine tasting descriptions.

    Something borrowed, something blue

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    Something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new.

    Audio Overload

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    What’s wrong with this picture?

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    God damn,that’s creepy.

    World of Warcraft Keyboard

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    Shameful Occupations

    A grade school teacher was asking students what their parents did for a living. ‘Tim, you go first, she said. ‘What does your mother do all day?”

    Tim stood up and proudly said, ‘She’s a doctor.”

    ‘That’s wonderful. How about you, Annie?”

    Annie shyly stood up, scuffed her feet and said, ‘My father is a mailman.”

    ‘Thank you, Annie, said the teacher. ‘What about your father, Billy?”

    Billy proudly stood up and announced, ‘My daddy plays piano in a whorehouse.”

    The teacher was aghast and promptly changed the subject to geography. Later that day she went to Billy’s house and rang the bell. Billy’s father answered the door. The teacher explained what his son had said and demanded an explanation.

    Billy’s father said, ‘I’m actually an attorney, but how can I explain a thing like that to a 7-year-old?

    DeadDog » DeadDog Archive » Shameful Occupations

    Pop Rocks

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    \’Tis good, but you know it\’s balanced by crazy or something of the like.

    Megan Fox wearing glasses

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    Random Hot


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    My cat sends hugs to Tiki for putting so much effort into entertaining us all!

    (seriously, dude deserves props, free beer, some donations and probably a bj or three…)

    /me wonders if this will get posted 😀

    Girls and Corpses

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    I stumbled upon this crazy magazine and thought i\’d share

    Taco Bell fail

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    My friend sent this photo to me from Sapulpa, Oklahoma.

    cunt colouring book

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    Pink Tank Top

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    Awesome Bridge

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    When you gotta go, you gotta go

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    Take cover, everybody!