Firefly Serenity 1/400 Scale Model

It’s no wonder, then, that a true fan of Joss Whedon’s Firefly TV Series and motion picture Serenity would have a 1:400th scale model of the beloved ship on his or her desk. 8 inches long, hand painted and cast from dozens of parts – some as small as a millimeter, her design matches the model used in Firefly down to the smallest detail. There’s even two little removable shuttles in case your on-board companion needs to take a side-trip.

via nerdapproved.

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  • Wife is out…come over

    hBZuS.jpg (64 KB)

    nothing crazy.

    Stupid humans

    tumblr_lv11frJjLV1qfjjglo1_500.png (222 KB)

    Free refills

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    Iggy Pop’s sad torso

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    Vintage Vodka ad

    tumblr_lyptsbU3hh1qke53zo1_500.jpg (48 KB)

    Guaranteed alarm clock

    18774.png (44 KB)

    Love smoke

    5XKv0.gif (497 KB)

    Iron Man’s Ass – Movie Poster

    Remember the big hoopla about the fact that the first AVENGERS movie poster had Scarlet Johansson’s Black Widow was showing off her T AND her A, both at the same time, and everyone was all up in arms, because really, who wants to look at that anyways, right? Well, here’s Marvel’s answer to the hoopla: Iron Man’s perfect iron butt and shiny chest, all at the same time!

    Lego tits

    white.jpg (43 KB)

    black.jpg (36 KB)

    yellow.jpg (35 KB)

    Due to “popular demands” in this thread:
    I give you best of both worlds – Lego tits, white, black, and bolt-on yellow.

    Drum kit for Jesus

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    Iron Lady

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    Steampunk couture

    tumblr_ltgsqx4q0v1qc5jyvo1_1280.jpg (77 KB)

    Facebook purgatory

    tumblr_lv4ojrDuBS1qfjjglo1_500.jpg (64 KB)

    Elevator prank

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  • Image is too yellow

    ZgHsW.jpg (82 KB)

    ginger school girl

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    85C0c.jpg (41 KB)

    acid face

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    Truths for mature humans

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    Swamp wallpaper

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    Underwater tiger

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    b-_35096_.jpg (106 KB)

    The world comes knocking

    2011-04-07-Eat_Shit_And_Die_178akimbocomics.jpg (225 KB)

    Rainbow Batman!

    tumblr_ly9yjpZeFt1qa70eyo1_r1_1280.jpg (1 MB)

    Mad on the internet?

    ujMA27865121-0002.jpg (370 KB)

    Keep out

    18917.png (647 KB)

    Will do.

    Food Headphones

    FoodHeadphones.jpg (33 KB)

    Emma in tan heels

    tumblr_lyk8scpkoP1rn1mago1_1280smma-wa.jpg (555 KB)

    Abstinence fun

    xmIO1.jpg (327 KB)

    Slow motion lightening

    slow-motion-lightning.gif (2 MB)

    wise words

    1324549937190.jpg (1 MB)

    hot chick

    3318_4961.jpeg (269 KB)

    wide nebula

    wish_by_joejesus-d4jzd7a.jpg (824 KB)

    fo fuk’s sake

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    violet flower

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