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  • The Devil lives here

    thedevilliveshere.jpg (149 KB)

    Bulldog puppy

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    Elasticity wall

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    Let’s try to make him pee

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    Shakespeare insult kit

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    You mewling, knotty-pated hedge pig.

    Stoned kitty

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    Dude, my claws are so like BIG.

    Top ten rules of boozing

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    The dog’s point of view

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    The House of Leaves wall

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    The most dangerous man

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  • Hey Earth? What’s up?

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    Kermit faps

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    Fake girlfriend

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    The farmer tried to milk me…

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    Winding road wall

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    Now that you’re big

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    Midnight City

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    When you look in the mirror

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    Accidental anal

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    swimming with polar bears

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    You can do this! In Cochrane, Ontario at the Polar Bear Habitat, they’ve installed shatterproof glass between their polar bear enclosure and a wading pool.

    how much do you want to bet that kids have peed in the wading pool just from being scared of a giant polar bear?

    Terms and Conditions

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    Thumbtack Mario

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    Sexy guitar girl

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    Euthanasia Coaster

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    Let’s be blunt

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    When I stub my toe

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    Flying fish

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    Forest friends

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    Rokie’s tired.

    Where did you learn to debate?

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    Balloon love story

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    101 Things to make with human skin

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    Love you

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    Bill Gates – Hamburgers

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    Steve Buscemi Cat

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    Billboard swing

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