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  • Gross Halloween dessert

    Lemon.jpg (401 KB)

    Lemon Jello and a Baby Ruth candy bar

    Zombie Mondays

    zombie.jpg (434 KB)

    Living roots bridge

    bridge.jpg (293 KB)

    Scooby Doo!

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    Borderlands Cosplay

    can_we_go_now__by_madamespontaneous-d5eulxo.jpg (292 KB)

    how_disappointing__i_didn__t_even_break_a_sweat__by_madamespontaneous-d5eum29.jpg (346 KB)

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    Autumn woods

    Wood.gif (771 KB)

    Introvert Guide

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    Inntel Hotel Amsterdam

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    Dual purpose plunger

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    “God Bless”

    godbl.png (632 KB)

    MCS Theme Day – Show Your Face

    Tag your posts: MCS Faces

    The pretty people will be posted to the front page. The rest of you ugly sons of bitches will be relegated to the new, soon to be released “wild west” section of mcs where all the unloved posts are abandoned.

    Or maybe I’ll just approve them all and let you guys be the judge, ripping and tearing everyone apart.

    Extra cleavage in the photos = mcs+

    Deadline is 10/31, and remember, anyone with mcs+ can see the submitted posts before I get around to adding them to the queue, so go ahead and check em out.

    Tag your posts: MCS Faces

    Edit: come on you lazy fucks, post some pictures of yourselves!

    Ouija message

    fuckyouanimation.gif (81 KB)


    cIEz5.png (29 KB)

  • Trick or Treat

    trickortreat.jpg (283 KB)

    Bride from Hell

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    Baby Jedi

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    Bettie Page zombie

    bettiepage.jpg (59 KB)

    Don’t wake up

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    Obama mask

    tTtPX.jpg (112 KB)

    Psychos in love

    pyschosinlove.jpg (37 KB)

    Mind fuckers

    mind_f-ckers.jpg (132 KB)

    Mr. and Mrs. Tiki

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    Waiting for the Train

    waiting.jpg (160 KB)

    Dead inside

    dont-open-dead-inside.jpg (188 KB)

    Forums are less shitty right now; plus, return of the top 10 page and tags on all submitted posts!

    Howdy bitches: I’ve cleaned up the forums a little bit from the friggin spam, going to try to figure out a moderation system, I’m thinking that the same moderators for the (future) mcs will also have some forum stuff to do as well.

    Part of my “get off my ass” process has also been to re-add the “top ten” page, which includes some rather interesting stuff on it.

    I’ve also added a tag cloud to every single page so you can click on tags.

    And the last item is also tag related, all submitted posts require a tag of some sort, with a list of suggested / top used tags.

    So other then these awesome things, how’s your night going? I picked up Volume 8 of the Walking Dead, haven’t started it yet, but golly it looks good.

    Also, I bought the first two trades of Super Dinosaur, written by the same guy, but it’s not walking zombie people, it’s a dinosaur in an exoskeleton:

    Shirley Temple

    shirleytemple.gif (750 KB)

    Autumn at Night

    Autumn.jpg (631 KB)

    Tiki’s wedding ring

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    Condom costume

    condom.jpg (43 KB)

    Dr. Frank-N-Furter

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    Encyclopaedia of Hell

    16974476.jpg (102 KB)

    The new bug in my yard.

    2012-09-26-16.22.24.jpg (1 MB)

    2012-09-26-16.24.14.jpg (1 MB)

    A Golden Orb Weaver has take up residence in my yard and after a few weeks, she made an egg sac. I read that they’ll hatch in the spring? So I’m gonna take it inside after she dies and it begins to get cold. I love spiders because I hate most bugs.

    Future Historic Marker

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    Female boat

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    EceYN.jpg (68 KB)