Big Nose

Nose.jpg (98 KB)

And black too

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  • Meth! Not even once!

    smg_on_meth.png (194 KB)


    saddest.jpg (55 KB)


    Ripped Van Wrinkled

    ripped_van_wrinkle.jpg (81 KB)

    Ripped Van Winkle

    ^lost relation…?


    sepia-eyes.jpg (343 KB)


    dimple.png (2 MB)

    In for the kill

    in_for_the_kill.jpg (86 KB)

    Red suspenders

    red-suspenders.jpg (144 KB)

    Return of the Jedi – deleted scene

    RotJ_deleted.jpg (198 KB)

    “This is from a deleted scene from ROTJ, where Moff Jerjerrod, the commander of the Death Star is ordered by Palpatine to fire upon Endor if the shield generator would be destroyed; but he is reluctant to do so because of all the Imperial troops still on the planet.

    Apparently in this scene Moff Jerjerrod has been ordered by the Emperor to bar Darth Vader from entering the throne room. Apart from Vaders routine force choking, we get to see the Imperial Guards brandish their Force pikes instead of just standing like statues which is cool.”

  • Grampaw glasses

    granpaw-glasses.jpg (97 KB)

    Best shoops evar

    best_shoops_evar.jpg (293 KB)

    Pistorius Nike ad

    scene-1.jpg (119 KB)

    Pentagram flaigl

    pentagram_fail.png (520 KB)

    Spinach, bitches

    spinach_bitches.gif (1 MB)

    Pet ownership reactions

    7_sharks.png (149 KB)

    Cranberry juice

    cranberry_period.gif (1007 KB)

    One of my favorite scenes in Scorcese’s The Departed


    switch.jpg (217 KB)

    The king is not a crook.

    Big Nose

    Nose.jpg (98 KB)

    And black

    You want what ?

    what.jpg (84 KB)

    Every inch

    tall.jpg (434 KB)

    seems legit


    legs.jpg (928 KB)

    Remember ZZ Top

    Crunchu bug fruit

    Star_Trek_Voyager_02x04_1.gif (4 MB)

    Wait, what ?

    Let There Be Light

    Xw61vRB.jpg (50 KB)

    Pixar Tackles Star Trek – III

    Cheron.jpg (210 KB)

    Andorian.jpg (217 KB)

    Original Star Trek rethought by Pixar


    Dakshineswar gate

    Dakshineswar-Gate.jpg (2 MB)

    Pixar Tackles Star Trek – II

    Sulu.jpg (228 KB)

    Chekov.jpg (248 KB)

    Klingon.jpg (300 KB)

    Romulan.jpg (245 KB)

    Orion-Slave-Girl.jpg (282 KB)

    Pixar takes on original Star Trek crew
    Orion Slave Girl

    Someone’s doing it right

    5990_540305606003925_406898209_n.jpg (61 KB)

    Pixar Tackles Star Trek – Part I

    Kirk.jpg (290 KB)

    Spock.jpg (223 KB)

    Bones.jpg (251 KB)

    Scotty.jpg (246 KB)

    Uhura.jpg (225 KB)

    Original Star Trek crew rethought by Pixar.

    Fuck day light savings

    I don’t even know what the fuck is going on right now.  I hate day light savings so much, why the fuck are we still doing this stone age bullshit.

    Good guys with guns

    good-guys-with-guns.jpg (49 KB)

    I’ll let you google/figure this one out for yourselves.

    Russian meteor pics

    SnVvLv8.gif (2 MB)

    good_guy_meteor.jpg (75 KB)

    804000_776366868824_673958661_n.jpg (46 KB)

    putin_meteor.jpg (23 KB)

    obama-russianmeteor.gif (1 MB)

    Collected these soon after.

    Bum Notes

    bum-notes-0.jpg (116 KB)

    sweet sweet music.

    Men vs Women: Shower

    download.jpg (47 KB)