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  • mulder

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    vintage tech

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    Pick One

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    Beige lace

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  • Curling

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    Full Contact


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    Metallica – One

    “For democracy, any man would give his only begotten son”


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    “The Last Party”

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    and it wasn’t shawarma.


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    3D printed/drawn naked yoga woman (on a bookshelf)

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    LIX: The World’s Smallest 3D Printing Pen Lets You Draw in the Air

    Is this SFW if it’s a 3D printed naked lady? She has a visible nipple but it’s a 3D printed one. Modern technology is a conundrum for 3D printer/naked lady enthusiasts.

    Flash! Ah Ah! Saviour of the universe!

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    I’ve heard a disturbing rumour that a new Flash Gordon film is on the starting block. But they’ll never get a better Ming than Von Sydow who had the time of his usually bleak, Bergmanesque life swishing around in costumes by Danilo Donati who also designed the whole eye searing production.

    As I kid a watched the serial on Saturday mornings and had a morbid fascination with the Clay People. How could they be alive if they were made of clay?! You know the way kids think. It was the same mode of reasoning that freaked me out every time I heard the end of Urban Spaceman. “Now here’s the twist. I don’t exist.” My small cranium would implode under the pressure of the lack of logic.

    Washing line ghost

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    James Wan usually employs the ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ technique in his movies. Unusually, this was the one image that truly unnerved me in the middle of all the screaming, levitation and general mayhem. Simple and completely unexpected.


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