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  • Greek Mentality

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    backwards compatible games

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    So I see Halo Wars, Halo Reach and Halo ODST, which made me run out and get myself a nice xbone.  Add me if you’re an idiot like me and game on that stupid thing: tgiokdi is my gamer tag.

    IRS Drone

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  • Fuck Off

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    You park like a cunt

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    Fire Tower

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    raising bigger chickens

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    a large pine cone

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    that’s going to leave a mark when it falls.

    Chair Des

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    Karma Mean

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    The Ember War review

    51wxqcXXonL. SX331 BO1204203200 The Ember War

    A dire warning. An impending alien invasion. Only one chance for survival.

    In the near future, an alien probe arrives on Earth with a pivotal mission—determine if humanity has what it takes to survive the impending invasion by a merciless armada.

    The probe discovers Marc Ibarra, a young inventor, who holds the key to a daring gambit that could save a fraction of Earth’s population. Humanity’s only chance lies with Ibarra’s ability to keep a terrible secret and engineer the planet down the narrow path to survival.

    Earth will need a fleet. One with a hidden purpose. One strong enough to fight a battle against annihilation.

    The Ember War is the first installment in an epic military sci-fi series. If you like A Hymn Before Battle by John Ringo and The Last Starship by Vaughn Heppner, then you’ll love this explosive adventure with constant thrills and high stakes from cover to cover.

    I’ve had a run of “first installments in epic series” lately, I need to stop doing this, because they’re all starting to run together, I had completely forgotten what The Ember War was about just a day after I finished it.  Had to go back and read some of it again to refresh myself, then promptly follow the author on Amazon, cause this was a damn good ‘first installment’.  Fast paced with a touch of familiarity from various other science fiction tropes and now I’m a big fan.  It’s like he mixed Contact, Mass Effect, Halo, and threw in a dash of The Lost Fleet for good measure.  The only thing that I’m disappointed in is that this book came out less than a month ago, so it’s going to be a while before we see another entry in the series.

    Hilary Duff on a mirror

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    those legs.  oh god.

    Christmas Details

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    damn all mine would get is a cold shoulder

    Infamous game review

    51opmGX9egL Infamous

    • Explore an exciting open-world environment in which you have been granted extraordinary powers
    • Learn to master incredible electrical-based powers and try to grasp the responsibilities that come with them
    • Wield your powers to take down powerful, iconic villains
    • Decide how best to use your powers, and watch as citizens and the city react and evolve based on your actions

    I’m very happy I was able to play Infamous before I sold off my ps3, as it’s much more in line with the types of games that I enjoy, along with game mechanics that were intuitive and smooth.  The collection that’s linked above is actually both the first and second game, all for only $20, I didn’t get to try out the second one though, I’m due to sell off the PS3 sometime this week. . . that being said, if you want to see a real pretty PS3 game with a storyline that isn’t utter crap or too confusing, Infamous is the place to start.

    Comic book sunburns

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    hope the cancer’s worth it, ya glorious goof balls


    Black Mirror review

    51LH3kbuREL Black Mirror51z7l1YE09L Black Mirror

    Charlie Brooker, the writer of E4’s Dead Set, returns with a suspenseful, satirical three-part mini-series that taps into collective unease about our modern world.

    Finished Black Mirror over the weekend and while I’m impressed that they would tell some of the stories, I felt underwhelmed by the series on the whole.  This is a set of pretty morality tales with some pretty heavy handed conclusions like “what if everyone wasn’t watching tv” or “this is the future of crime and punishment”.  The ‘punishment‘ episode by far was the most stomach turning and offensive of them all, as I find it difficult to believe that our society would devolve to one that would permit such a thing on such a grand scale.  There’s only a total of 6 episodes of the series though, so I didn’t end up feeling like my time was wasted by any means and I’m happy I found it on the Netflix.


    We need Weed

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    Hanging TV

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