Splinter of the Mind’s Eye


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  • Dinosaur Art

    4cdn-1447653610804 4cdn-1447653505001 4cdn-1447653309424 4cdn-1447653256357 4cdn-1447653137610

    Just how I remember it

    Just how I remember it

    Drop dead gorgeous

    Drop dead gorgeous



    Are you going my way?

    Are you going my way?

    Nerves shredded for life

    Nerves shredded for life

    Alrighty, let’s do this

    Alrighty, let's do this

    Death straight ahead

    Death straight ahead

    Eva Renzi

    Eva Renzi

  • Now, that’s a hat

    Now that's a hat

    SuperMansion review

    MV5BOTA4NzUwNTQ4Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTA0NDIyNjE@. V1 UY1200 CR9006301200 AL  SuperMansion

    Source: Crackle
    Aka: Robot Chicken goes ‘all in’ on their own superhero series.

    I’ve been a fan of Robot Chicken’s comic book stuff in the past, and while this isn’t an official Robot Chicken joint, if you’ve ever watched RC before you know exactly what kind of humor and animation you’re going to get here. The premise is basic enough (super heroes getting long in the tooth) and the characters are direct Justice League / Avengers analogs, so it’s pretty easy to pick up and run with it. Best of all? It’s free on Crackle, one of the first things that I’ve found on there that was worth my time.

    It’s for you Kim

    It's for you Kim

    For Men Of Action

    For Men Of Action



    grenade fuck up


    green dress


    House on the Hill

    h i7hw05fKR1qhhdqno1_400 h m9ssm9LleA1qiy0txo1_500


    Doctor M plague_570xN.433935170_vls7

    I wonder…

    wonder-image-2-11-20 wonder-image-4-11-20

    how many will there be


    h_lysmnct4Tk1qh84vto1_500 h_mph99rlvY41s1adeeo1_500 h_n2aagvTLdv1rq7x1to1_500 h_nil3pz1FmW1sgr8nuo1_500 h_nm342nSuTK1t0xn92o1_500 h_p70gjzoD631sfde1fo1_1280

    Raven Hair

    Nevermore1 Nevermore2 Nevermore3

    Heroic Stand


    Graduation Day

    c 4596841432_155d22c767_z c Miskatonic University Lapel Pin Brass c miskatonic_university_hooded_sweatshirt miskatonic_university_student_by_mercvtio-d6hbhpc

    Road Rats

    cm8evkpbDWx1rcebjho1_500 cne2tps4fN31tm15nlo1_500

    Pin Head

    skull nhbr95DSCD1qi22rlo0_1280 skull nhbr95DSCD1qi22rlo1_1280 skull nhbr95DSCD1qi22rlo2_1280 skull nhbr95DSCD1qi22rlo3_1280 skull nhbr95DSCD1qi22rlo4_1280 skull nhbr95DSCD1qi22rlo5_1280 skull nhbr95DSCD1qi22rlo6_1280

    Puppy Power


    Fishy Things

    DSCF0790 DSCF0805 DSCF1851 DSCF086 DSCF0639 DSCF0778

    Smart Watch



    weightlifting gif

    WTF cat gif


    Kraken, lightly steamed.

    krakn12o2_1280 krakn12o3_1280 krakn12o1_1280


    star-wars-on-earth-prints-14438 ATAT.jpg-

    what is it good for

    Old Tower

    Victoria Beach - Laguna Beach Victoria Beach – Laguna Beach


    War Machines

    rtumblr_nd5iwlI66A1qbe766o5_1280 rtumblr_nd5iwlI66A1qbe766o6_1280 rtumblr_nd5iwlI66A1qbe766o7_1280 rtumblr_nd5iwlI66A1qbe766o1_1280 rtumblr_nd5iwlI66A1qbe766o2_1280 rtumblr_nd5iwlI66A1qbe766o3_1280 rtumblr_nd5iwlI66A1qbe766o4_1280