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    Air review

    91CA H tDoL. SL1500  Air
    Director: Christian Cantamessa

    Notable for a few reasons, both the actors are amazing and Robert Kirkman had some input on it, so the dialogue was on point. IMDB users didn’t enjoy it very much, so my expectations were low going in, but I was delighted to find that this was a well done, slow burn movie that had a subtle twist.

    NYC Tilt Shifted

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    Master of None review

    p12181139 b v7 aa Master of None
    Source: Netflix

    Aziz Ansari is a paradox to me: both one of the best AND worst comedians alive. I’m nearly 90% sure it’s because I abhor awkward comedy (things that are funny just because of how awkward and uncomfortable it makes everyone involved) and Aziz seems to love to wallow in it, case in point: the Randy Character. While he’s horrible at the awkward stuff, when he’s doing pure comedy he can really knock it out of the park (as in Parks and Rec, ‘natch). I wasn’t sure which Aziz I was going to get with Master of None, and after the first episode I assumed it was going to be the awkward unfunny stuff that I dislike so much. Luckily I gave another couple episode a try, as that first episode is a head fake, the rest of the series is as funny as Louie, but instead of a middle aged white guy you get a young guy with immigrant parents. If you’re even remotely entertained by Aziz, I’d suggest giving this one a try, it ended up being one of my favorite Netflix series so far this year.

  • “Game of the Year 2015”

    You're already playing it...all of you. You’re already playing it…all of you.

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    Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials review

    A1juiFVrfRL. SX522 Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

    In this next chapter of the epic Maze Runner saga, Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) and his fellow Gladers face their greatest challenge yet: searching for clues about the mysterious and powerful organization known as WCKD.


    I had every intention of seeing this one in the theaters, as the first films was pretty good, and prompted me to read the rest of the book series, which in turn got me pumped for the rest of the movies. They’ve left out and changed a LOT from the books, some of it for the better (the telepathy was silly in the books) and some of it for the lesser (no decapitations or teleporations, boo).  It was an honest movie that made logical sense, but really didn’t hold a candle to the book it’s modeled after.

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