Moar dots! Moar dots!
z4lis (8436)
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Recent Comments from z4lis
- Comment on comic book woman (2010-08-07 11:50:53)
Moar dots! Moar dots! - Comment on christina ricci (2010-06-08 15:28:36)
Ms. Ricci has a good deal of curvature. - Comment on Ass, get down from there.. (2010-05-31 13:08:52)
Did the bad meme really add anything to this picture, at all? - Comment on Einstein (2010-05-29 13:47:37)
But with a ton of differential geometry, you can make it a one-liner! It's pretty! - Comment on a math board (2010-02-13 11:27:21)
It actually looks like a meaningless wall of symbols designed to impress people. Real math actually has far more words than equations. - Comment on Soup Kitchen (2009-07-09 00:13:19)
Indiscreet troll, I meant. Those caps ruin it. Oh, and if my life is where it is right now because of my attitude and stubbornness, I'll be sure to work on emphasizing those two traits as much as I can. :D - Comment on Soup Kitchen (2009-07-08 12:43:11)
"Learn to use a comma." Well, let's take a look at your post! :D - "I know enough to judge the source of your opinion and you’re a moron." You place commas in between independent phrases connected by "and". - "... a long long time ago." A comma should separate the "long"s. - "I’m far above any conditioning little man." Tsk. Tsk. Should have a comma separating the person you're addressing from the rest of the sentence. - "Your a hick who doesn’t know he’s a hick and you assume anyone who..." Another case of not separating your independent clauses. I won't point out the other grave error here. - "... into peoples mouths." Where's your apostrophe? That's a possessive! - "... short sited and stupid." I like to keep my sites short and to the point, as well. Did you mean "sight"? I won't explicitly dig up the others, but I'm counting four other instances of failed comma usage and one instance of not putting in an apostrophe. Of course, you'll cry about typos. Excellent! We all make them, including Puulaahi. Anyway, I do enjoy calling out trolls. You say, "But talking to losers like you is fruitless." I would then expect that you, being a very rational person who spends his (or her) time doing worthwhile activities, would cease conversation at this point. Nope. If you want to stir up people, don't make it so obvious! Is Canada really full of indiscreet people like you who like to feign intricate knowledge of the world because of living in a city and having money, perhaps engaging in an argument by doing little more than insulting the other side and waving your dick about? - Comment on You Son of a Bitch (2009-07-06 07:57:21)
Will people ever stop finding this funny? I've waited for a long time. - Comment on finger print - judge (2009-06-23 16:41:42)
I'd prefer it to be reversed for fingerprints. - Comment on Dungeons and Dragons (2009-06-21 15:47:08)
DnD players have no friends? Who the hell do you think we play with? O_o; - Comment on I want to kiss you! (2009-04-20 15:56:59)
She always keeps one half of her face covered - and for good reason. - Comment on Watchmen for Kids (2009-04-20 00:45:56)
@kickinupdirt: Patrick's too stupid to be the Comedian. :x - Comment on Watchmen for Kids (2009-04-20 00:33:57)
10/10 - Comment on The history of everything timeline (2009-04-19 22:18:45)
@thelotuseater725: Apparently it does. *opens umbrella and seeks shelter* - Comment on Groovy (2009-04-13 10:53:44)
@dieAntagonista: "Your entire argument is moot. Next." lol.