Paul_Is_Drunk (796)
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Registered 2007-07-11 17:49:57

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Recent Comments from Paul_Is_Drunk

  • Comment on taylor opens wide (2012-05-25 21:18:36)
    As far as I can tell, this woman is famous for being interrupted by Kanye. Her music is no more important or lasting than Lana Del Ray, Carly Rae Jepsen, or the white chick who can kinda sing better than average. I think another 2 years should prove me right.
  • Comment on Lag (2012-05-17 17:41:43)
    So Diablo 3 causes violence?
  • Comment on Paul is drunk (2012-05-15 17:15:07)
    Maybe it's because I'm sober, or because this is the first post when I checked the site, but... WAT.
  • Comment on Avengers - The Movie (2012-05-06 06:30:11)
    It is that damn good. Easily up there with The Dark Knight, but it's a better comic book movie. TDK could have been about a spy, and not a guy dressed like a bat, and it would have arguably been just as good of a movie. Oh, and there are two after the credit scenes. One is the reveal of the next villain half way through the credits, and the other one comes at the end.
  • Comment on Thom Yorke on Piracy (2012-04-23 16:38:59)
    Convenience. Free, easy, and quick will always beat cheap, some hassle, and extra programs to download. It's very simple. Everything else is moral posturing.
  • Comment on LTR Barbie (2012-04-18 17:13:07)
    Pffft. I pee in front of everyone. It's when you start dropping deuces that you should get worried.
  • Comment on FTW (2012-04-18 00:14:28)
    Oh, elitism. Is there any form you won't take? Granted, the show has been off the air for a decade, but acting like your shit is too good for anyone else isn't what gets it ratings and keeps it on the air. Something for your next 'so good, how could they cancel it?!' show.
  • Comment on God? (2012-04-17 04:33:53)
    Old as the internets. Always fun to see, though.
  • Comment on Doonsbury State Sanctioned Rape pt 4-6 (2012-04-17 04:32:20)
    Like this hasn't been discussed a billion+ times. Anyway: Rape. Should women always take birth control to prevent pregnancy from rape? "Well, don't get raped!" And then the argument cycle continues...
  • Comment on DHS to the Rescue (2012-04-16 03:24:10)
    Why is the DHS doing the job of other departments? See, that's the fucked up thing about DHS: It really doesn't do anything that wasn't covered by other agencies before. But now there is yet another department, sucking up resources, and fighting with the others over who has what jurisdiction. Of course, next time a terrorist attack or something scares people, we'll just create another department to make people feel temporarily safe and create even more bureaucracy.
  • Comment on Suessbook (2012-04-15 01:04:23)
    The last popular social website that let people manage their own pages was My Space. Seeing how that worked out, I at least give Facebook credit for taking control of the page management. That's about all the credit I will give them, though.
  • Comment on McDonald's Responds (2012-04-15 01:00:05)
    Hooters heavy targets children to get them hooked on their hydrogenated oil and corn syrup infused foods? Plus tits? My parents owe me for denying me this.
  • Comment on Mass Effect 3 (2012-04-10 18:32:47)
    The important thing is that you let everyone know that you think they should stop being upset. What with you being the sole opinion on the matter and everything.
  • Comment on That'll do for me (2012-04-04 02:22:12)
    A thousand monkeys with a thousand monkeys typing the complete works of Shakespeare when given enough time. Of course, the first time the monkeys do type out Shakespeare, they're going to assume that it was divine fate or something because they odds of it happening are low (even if it must happen given enough time).
  • Comment on @KillZimmerman (2012-03-31 05:05:43)
    But that's a hard message to argue against. We need to act like everyone is at one extreme or the other.
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