kendobunny (10531)
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Registered 2009-03-27 13:38:41

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Recent Comments from kendobunny

  • Comment on I fucked you all, but thanks for blaming it on the black guy (2010-07-13 09:53:57)
    I met about ten people who did. Obama can't blow his nose without blaming it on Bush, so what are we supposed to respect here? It's also not his fault that Obama promised the moon during the election and delivered a speech about how nice the moon was going to be and how bad the last guy was, so he won't give it to us. As he continues to try to force through bills that the American public does not want and that no one has read.
  • Comment on I fucked you all, but thanks for blaming it on the black guy (2010-07-12 23:25:08)
    Projected budget surplus. Also, isn't it about time that Obama stopped blaming everything on Bush? Bush made a ton of mistakes, but considering how bad people knew things were, why did they elect a supremely inexperienced community organizer? I know our candidates were pretty much all crap last election, but the best we could do was a talking head whose strategy has been to blame everything on the guy before him? I've never heard anyone whose not a neocon giving Bush a pass, so why give Obama one?
  • Comment on Types of libertarian (2010-07-05 23:15:16)
    I know, which is why I'm not totally sold on anarchy. It would be great if people were rational enough to function without someone telling them what to do, but I know they're not. But I do believe we could have far less interference and still do all right. Baby steps.
  • Comment on Types of libertarian (2010-07-05 22:50:10)
    Don't you know there's no such thing! Every person who believes in any form of small government is a delusional nutcase who wants to kill brown people. There is no way to have smaller government and smaller corporations, because everyone knows a giant entity must direct people's lives, and obviously it isn't going to be the Catholic Church any more.
  • Comment on Immigration problem (2010-07-05 13:45:25)
    And that has to do with our lawsuit happy nation and our ridiculous school system artificially inflating our children's egos. That still doesn't excuse keeping people in virtual slavery, which is what we do to illegal immigrants... and unskilled legal immigrants for that matter. You'll also notice that I said that we do need to reform our immigration laws. I know about immigration horror stories - I have three adopted brothers who were Vietnamese refugees. But what's the solution? Let people come here to be abused, or force them to go home to be abused? Take over their countries, ensure basic human rights, and then leave? You're telling me that our immigration laws are fucked up, which is true, so how do you propose we fix it? Obviously throwing our borders open isn't working. It isn't making people safer or people's lives better. So rather than focusing on the horrors of legal immigration, let's find out what we can do to make it better.
  • Comment on Immigration problem (2010-07-05 09:14:13)
    So how about those of us who know that "the jobs Americans won't do" are jobs that Americans legally can't do? Illegal immigrants are little better than slaves - they have no guarantee of any wages, let alone fair wages, they have no legal recourse, no guarantee of fair or safe working conditions. Yes, the fact that they're willing to put up with these conditions suggests that Mexico is far worse (they have never seemed to get that whole revolution thing down, since every one they have makes things worse). But it still doesn't make it right, or make it not a terrible human rights violation. We do need to overhaul immigration, but they are making it much harder for the people who want to immigrate legally. Maybe we can work on ways to make Mexico less of a shithole, but in the end, isn't that what the entire world has been screaming at Americans about? If we began to meddle in Mexican politics, even as basic as 'Hey, you all really need clean water, so we're going to send some engineers down to design pipes', we'll be accused of invading.
  • Comment on Installation instructions (2010-04-30 05:47:21)
    If you're drunk and pregnant and on the roof installing an antenna, I think the spouse in question probably deserves something thrown at him.
  • Comment on baby platypuses (2010-04-28 13:03:49)
    Puggles! Seriously, that's what baby platypuses are called.
  • Comment on marijuana - harmless (2010-04-27 06:45:26)
    So it's 'Marijuana makes you act like an idiot and makes you think you're being super deep. Then you get locked up. IS IT REALLY SO MUCH FUN AFTER ALL!?!' So basically they're saying marijuana is a frat mixer in a bit of paper, only with less rape.
  • Comment on Mirror (2010-04-22 10:36:39)
    Mostly how anorexics see themselves... bulimics tend not to lose drastic amounts of weight. Either case, it's how most people with body dysmorphic disorder see themselves. Most anorexics and bulimics have body dysmorphia, but not all of them.
  • Comment on Everlast Ad (2010-04-22 10:34:47)
    I don't know, I've known more abusive females than abusive males. Men are just way more likely to hide that they're being domestically abused. I know a man whose wife gave him a black eye. He just took it until she threatened his daughter with a knife. That's the only time he's hit her, and honestly, I think it was justified. If I ever seriously hit my husband or made him think that I was a danger to our children, he would have every right to hit me. Of course, those are the only two situations where it's a legitimate reason.
  • Comment on Marilyn Monroe1 (2009-05-29 09:23:27)
    Won't work. Even her smutty pictures are pretty classy. And she somehow manages to look more sweet and wholesome completely nude on a giant sheet of red velvet than most of today's starlets, fully clothed (for them), walking down the street.
  • Comment on This is what the internet has done (2009-05-08 05:55:08)
    Steam punk looks so awesome... and that natty waistcoat looks like it's actually armor. Awesome.
  • Comment on Smile like you mean it (2009-05-07 06:18:19)
    Awww, happy lizard... I've seen this guy before, but he always makes me want to smile.
  • Comment on Sarah Palin In Office (2009-04-24 21:26:13)
    Paul_Is_Drunk: You mean the officer who was found guilty of driving his police cruiser while drunk multiple times? The one who threatened to murder his ex-wife if she left? I don't agree with plenty of what she says, but someone who does stand up to corrupt cops and the agencies covering them is doing something right. I just wish there was a politician in my neighborhood that responsible: one of the cops on my hometown force isn't allowed to carry a gun because he broke into his ex-wife's house with a hatchet and threatened her and her daughter. Yet, despite a court conviction of assault with a deadly weapon, he wasn't fired.
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