52 Search Results Found For: "supper"

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Suppertime by Sam Carr

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  • “The Last Supper” by Adam Skovran








    last supper

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    Zombie Last Supper tattoo

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    Well, he DID say to eat & drink of him…

    Last Suppers

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    Noticed a lot of Last Suppers being uploaded. Adding a few I’ve collected over the years.

  • science supper

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    let the shit storm begin

    Genius Last Supper

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    who can name them all?
    who`s the third guy from the left?

    My Ideal Supper

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    sooo gooooood
    spicy fried pork sausages with sundried tomatoes and basil inside of them with MUSTARD.
    and peas with MUSTARD AND RANCH

    Etch-A-Sketch Last Supper

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    Bet ya can’t!

    G8 bush’s last supper

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    I’m belgian member of a young graphic and designers collective, called “Coiffeurs pour Dames”. We publish each summer week-end in le “Soir”, biggest french speaking belgian newspaper, a comic page called “‘El Rios”, where we speak about news by the drawning.
    This week-end, we have make a “Bush’s Last Supper” at the G8, based on the classic Da Vinci painting. With a full of funny or dramatic details: Chinese Dragon and Indian Oliphant at the back, hungry african children under the table, a mexican and a australian detail for the invited countries… Just check, and hope you enjoin this. Sorry for my fucking pity english. And take a look to our websites, especially www.tchactchac.net or www.elrios.com

    Donkey Kong’s Last Supper

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    From the amazing Misha.

    House – last supper


    Zombie Last Supper



    Last Supper Insanity!

    [edit: I’m still trying to find out who made this masterpiece, but sadly all my sources are all dried up and crusty, much like a zombie.  Do you know who crafted this image?  Please put it in the comments ASAP!]

    Satanic Last Supper


    This makes me lol for some reason!

    Out Today: “Star Trek #27”

    Out today: “Star Trek #27“, by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing.

    Lore’s destruction has consumed everything in the universe except the U.S.S. Theseus and the Celestial Temple. In one last maneuver, the crew uses every ounce of power left in their main systems to shoot their ship across the galaxy to the temple. While their ship flies, the crew has a Louisiana-style supper and heal wounds between them before they must say their final goodbyes, for Benjamin Sisko is of Bajor, and he must return home if Lore is to be stopped.

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    Elite: Dangerous

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    After a week of traveling ~35 light years per jump I finally reached the galactic core and found the supper-massive black hole Sagittarius A*

    Now it’ll probably be a week before I can sell all my data, but it’s been totally worth it.