The Infinite Thread Part 2

Did you feel that?

It was my heart, breaking over the closing of the first Infinite Thread without any comments.

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    I didn’t feel that I had anything worthwhile to say! And, I still don’t! LOL Sorry…


    Well, most of my posts are either DERP!! or BUTTERFACE… but I definitely do not have the most posts on the site. I did manage to knock casemods off of the list, tho. Not that anyone would know. Since the list is still down… sniff… sniff… sniffle… sniffle… grumble…. grumble… and why not throw in a bit of piss and moan for good measure! LOL

    Last edited 22 days ago by storminator

    FINE I’ll dive in 🙂 I actually have a funny story.

    Recently decided to give TNG a rewatch. Kids are old enough now that it seemed it would be safe enough fare to have on in case they seemed interested too.

    Encounter at Farpoint went fine, they’re moderately interested and want to see another episode. Move right into The Naked Now. Yeah… Did not remember the scene with Data and Tasha until it started. Following the “techniques” line, my wife nudged and suggested we should watch something else.

    In hindsight I may need to research a list of episodes best skipped. They can’t all be Darmok.


    Picard…..his hand over his face….


    I had my cataract surgery today. I was pretty nervous when I arrived, and it showed. I barely slept the night before. I had four very nice and very attractive nurses descend upon me with big smiles on their faces. Within minutes, I was in a chair, leaned back and hooked up machines. They hooked me up to a blood pressure machine and gave me about a dozen drops into my left eye. One nurse asked if I was nervous, and I said that I was. So, she gave me a tiny pill and told me to let it dissolve under my lounge. I joked about how the last time I let something dissolve under my tongue, I saw colors for about eight hours! They all giggled, and I let the vanilla tasting pill dissolve and turn into an awful medicinal flavor. YUCK! A few minutes later, the nurse said I wasn’t calm enough yet- so she gave me a second dose. YAY!! I got SUPER FUCKING HIGH at that point! WWEEE!! I started seeing colors and patterns! I was really getting into the colors and patterns when, suddenly, a nurse said I was all finished! WHAT??!! I was just getting into it, and she was gently shaking me awake. I was taken aback. “I’m FINISHED?? They didn’t do anything to me yet!!” But they had! I awoke with a clear protector taped over my left eye. WTF?? It all happened so fast! They cut my eye open and installed a lens and then used a laser to correct my astigmatism! Wham bam, thank you sir. All for $3850.00 It’s going to take a month for it to fully heal. It was a crazy experience.


    They never put a bandage on my eye. It was covered by a clear plastic piece to protect it when I sleep. I can see distances extremely well already. Which is great. But my right eye is near sighted. So, my vision is pretty wonky. I took the lens out of my glasses, and that helped a lot. I am convinced that I’ll have to have LASIK on my right eye to even things out. JOY! But when it’s all done, I should just need reading glasses to survive out in the wild.


    Did you get much snow in Florida the other week Tiki….?
    Ever seen snow before….?
    My wife is Australian, and one of the weirder questions I get whenever we visit there is “what is it like to walk in deep snow?”.
    It’s kinda hard to describe it to someone who has never seen snow before.

    Troy Colby Sawyer

    I kind of expected the first infinite thread to tank because there was no history to rely on for what people ought to post.

    Hopefully this second one won’t have the same issue.

    (I just registered this account so I could comment again. My old one wouldn’t let me in for some reason and I had lost access to the email it was registered under so couldn’t communicate my problems. So now I’ve got a name that sounds like a synonym for “hairball”.)


    Followed your suggestions with the attached results.
    The first is possibly correct. The second was unexpected.

    hope this helps, Warwick


    the second response (only one image per comment, hee hee)


    I clicked the link contained in “If you’re logged in, visit and see if you have any comments that show up. Are they actually replies to you?” to get the warning. I tried again just now and got the same result.


    Firefox 134.0.2 (64-bit). (I run Windows 11 Home & the latest version of MalwareBytes All fairly standard stuff.


    Hey Tiki- what happened to the search box? Inquiring minds are very confused…………


    It’s still gone. Thanks, tRump…


    PC I never use my phone on this site


    Just clicked the link – still no search box






    Yup. The biggest one Costco sold.


    Oops… I had the page set at 110%. I set it at 100%, and the search box is back! HUZZAH!!

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