How many years for you in the yellow shirt

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    tiki god

    guess you haven’t been paying much attention to what’s happened in the last six months.

    tiki god

    no, have you started yours yet today? We’re not going to get perfection, but we can strive to be better, and by jove, we’ve done that already.


    Yes, it is definitely the Democrats’ fault that no congressional Republican will ever vote for any of that.


    The problem is that even when the Dems have majorities, there’s always some cunt with a (D) after their name who votes nay because it doesn’t meet their minimal radical change. Being progressive doesn’t mean you’re good at making progress. OR it’s too radical, like leagalizing pot is for Biden. The R-Tard litmus is simply “will it piss off the dems?”.


    More like several people with Ds after their names who SHOULD have Rs. DINOSAURs like Manchin. Democrat In Name Only, Sorry Ass Undercover Republicans.


    Actually they do because they only have 50 (+1) in the Senate and unless it’s something passed with reconciliation they need to break a filibuster which takes 60 votes.


    Don’t try to reason with him.
    He’ll just lash out….


    you must be awfully lonely to hang around a site where you obviously despise its members.


    Pot, meet kettle then.

    tiki god

    which part of this are you referring to?


    I hope you die alone, and soon. You add nothing constructive to this site and if you’re like this in real life you must be a total insufferable little fuckstick.


    Bolty, you gotta realize that we are, very likely, the only contact he has with people who don’t beat down and belittle him every day.
    His self esteem is so low that he never learned how to communicate without being a wild animal, even if you would agree with him.
    That said, even if this Hikkomori does make an interesting point, he has so destroyed his credibility that no one gives a shit.

    All in all, it ain’t our job to edumacate this self-smug spoiled brat.

    Last edited 3 years ago by jediadept
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