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    Heaven forbid states & hospital administrators be held accountable for not preparing. We’ve been warned about something like this for decades.

    tiki god

    what does your comment have to do with him saying people weren’t sucking up to him enough to get a response from him?


    We were prepared with a pandemic response team. Guess who fired them just to undo something Obama did?


    You mean rolled them into a larger and much better funded team capable of handling biological weapons and not just normal germs?

    The CDC screwed the pooch. Which is why they fired Them And health and human services has taken over.

    tiki god

    no, they were fired and not called again.


    Yep, because they were incompetent. Which seems to be a trend at the cdc, and meets with my expectations based on experience with them.

    Old Tofu

    incompetent is having a plan drawn up by the National Security Counsel and completely ignoring it even though meetings we now know about warned of the virus weeks before the actual outbreak


    @Granny You could save your self a lot of typing by just sharing whatever info-wars-like site you get your talking points from.


    Literally couldn’t tell you the last time I watched Fox News. Definitely a couple years.

    Here are some fact checks. From infowar….I mean USA Today.


    In 2015, the task force released an updated report with added scenarios, including an expanded analysis entitled “Allocation of Ventilators in an Influenza Pandemic.” Modeled after flu pandemics during the 20th century, the report was intended as a guideline that would prevent as many deaths as possible in a similar outbreak.

    “It has been estimated that during a severe 6-week outbreak, 89,610 influenza patients will require ventilators in New York State and there will not be enough ventilators in the State to meet the demand,” the authors of the study wrote.

    However, in a 1918 flu-like pandemic, peak ventilator need was expected to reach around 18,619 machines, leaving the state with an expected shortage of 15,783 ventilators.

    “In the event of an overwhelming burden on the health care system, New York will not have sufficient ventilators to meet critical care needs despite its emergency stockpile,

    tiki god

    that article is about a far right extremist’s facebook conspiracy theory posts about funding education over buying ventilators three years ago.

    Old Tofu

    and he skipped the part where it said it was bs

    Old Tofu

    “Our ruling: False” . . . the task force did not issue direct recommendations for the state to buy any more ventilators…there will always be the possibility of the situation growing worse than people or governments have prepared for , but LEADERSHIP in those times is what makes the difference , trump sat on his tiny hands and downplayed the coming pandemic and now more people will die than if he would have canceeled a couple of those golf trips or maga rallies to pay attention to what the nsc guidelines said and what intelligence reports were already warning about. but he’s special , thinks he knows more than experts because he has more money than them. he’s a rich moron.

    Old Tofu

    capitalism and corporate bean counters are to blame for that , they see empty beds and extra equipment as wasted money instead of seeing preparedness. trump is a piece of shit who takes advantage of anyone in a tight spot whether lives are on the line or not.

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