You’ve heard of Gamer Girl Bathwater now it’s time for Gamer Girl queef in a jar

21.6k Likes, 198 Comments – Kayla Erin (@itskaylaerin) on Instagram


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    Brevity Truta

    Link removed, no surprises there. Have been having a fantasy about the girls drawing out toxic gamers terrifying energies and producing some kind of cyber vortex when the fateful tipping point bath plug is pulled. Down they all get flushed into an eternal Dwarf Fortress prison in a pulse of white-hot, wet energy that leaves behind the faint tang of flamin’ hot cheeto dust and an orange ring around the tub. If you thought of Tubgirl at that, you also remember a time when gamers were better than this.


    Your head must be a strange place which to live within.

    Brevity Truta

    I thumbsed your comment up earlier, still don’t have a reply, seems I’m out to lunch on the matter lol.


    Oh look, another SJW talking down to gamers about how they should police their own behavior — instead of trying to understand their culture; why women find it appealing; are attracted to men who known their interests & don’t pander to outsiders or cucks.

    Honestly after #gamergate I would have thought you would have learned, but learning from history isn’t a SWJ strong suit.


    You couldn’t be more of a stereotype.
    I suppose you missed “libtard” and “soy boy” though…


    And by strange, I mean wonderous!

    Brevity Truta

    Dude, you like Python, I took it as a compliment. Can see how this thread would invite some counters to Thrawn (lol Gropgrope), I’m guessing his internet rank does not reflect his real life rank in the slightest, can’t blame him for being a bit frustrated and defensive. Now Thrawn, I’m taking about you, not to you, which is rude. Uhm, yeah, don’t wanna fight with you, I’m sure there are many fun and exciting aspects to being an alpha male gamer, which is why these women are catering to that, I mean, these women sell their bodies (and bodily fluids) and make bank because they are crazily, uncontrollably attracted to their client base. I read an article about that recently in maybe it was The New Yorker, or on Tumblr? Damn, can’t remember. So yeah, my apologies for making fun of the culture. Really just popped up to say to jediadept that it’s all good in the hood. Would not want you thinking you’d said something that upset someone. Have gone quiet, yes, unrelated reasons to this thread; haven’t vanished and will pop by when I can :^)


    Just going to observe you addressed none of my points, but engaged in classic ad hominem attacks, or baseless assumptions. I’ve never made an ethology reference, or asserted a higher status on the food chain. Interesting you would assign it to me.

    Just like you said you read about in in the New Yorker, a publication that is barely subscribed too by a million people, half of which are self described active communists. Or Tumbler, which committed suicide in an amazingly public fashion when in caved to the SJWs, just like everyone said it would.

    I might say that, having now been called out, your running away the way that SJWs always do; however, it is just as likely given your shockingly small amount of contributions to the community, you only pop your head in every so often to peddle your anti-capitalist filth, and then retreat when no one is interested.


    If you are replying to me…I was merely observing how your comment fits the stereotype so well.
    Your reply merely reinforces it.
    You aren’t a big fan of Jordon Peterson, are you…?


    I was not replying to you, if you’re wondering.


    Sorry if I was unclear.

    Brevity Truta

    Maybe I read it in Field Admiral Biology Monthly Magazine. Anyway clip of accurate: Verizon of Tumblr death History

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