fat man in a it’s ok to be white

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    1. No one is saying that it’s NOT okay to be white.
    2. There is no “white culture” because white people know where their ancestors are from.
    3. Most black people in America DON’T, so the only culture they have is “black culture.” Which consists of a shared history of slavery and discrimination and overcoming both.
    4. If you are white, be proud of being Irish or French or Italian. Being proud of “being white” is based entirely on skin color (not any shared history of oppression despite what this man clearly thinks), and is therefore racist.
    5. Every white man in the Confederate Army fought to maintain slavery. Read the Articles of Confederation.


    1) Many elements within the left do say being white means you are inherently and irredeemably racist. Just type ‘all whites are racist’ into you tube for a few thousand hours of comfortable echo-chamber entertainment for you.
    2&3) What the fuck does his shirt have to do with “culture”? All you said was ‘white people can’t have a culture because they have cultures!’. You’re just segueing into pre-programmed talking points of non-sense.
    4) So Blacks and other non-whites can have pride in their melanin content because their ancestors couldn’t beat up my ancestors but I can’t have pride in anything that people that look like me have done because… no culture? So different rules based on skin color. You’re an idiot.
    5) Who the fuck cares? They’re all dead. What does it have to do with his shirt or anything else you’ve winged about?

    The only form of race-baiting nonsense I can think of that you didn’t regurgitate is ‘non-whites can’t be racist’, but I suspect that was an oversight on your part.


    1. A common lie. Spread by privileged people who want in on the oppression “racket.”
    2&3. I’m trying to explain the difference between skin color and culture. You’re being deliberately dense.
    4. You can have pride in your culture. But your skin color is not your culture because no one stole your culture from you.
    5. Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean no one cares.

    And if you think that’s race-baiting, you can’t be educated. Keep hitting the snooze button on your woke alarm. I bet you fly the flags of multiple defeated enemies of America.


    1) youtu.be/cRXNaUz5LGY

    It’s not huge, like the Tea Party isn’t huge, like the KKK isn’t huge, like the Black Panthers isn’t huge, like ISIS isn’t huge, but it’s there and it exists and it’s vocal. And you seem to be about half a bee’s dick away from being in that camp, just my opinion.

    2&3) Culture vs skin color. So I’m Danish, Swedish, and Irish. Do I have pride in all of them equally or is it based on what fraction I am of each? Do I follow my paternal line and just declare myself Danish? I have to go back over 100 years to get to any of those countries because I’m a 4th generation American. I guess I’m not allowed to share in the American culture, or does it exist? Lots of things are considered American like Rock and Roll, putting sugar in everything, imperial measurements; but I have to go back to countries that not only have I not been to, I haven’t even meet a born in Ireland, Irish person to the best of my knowledge. But Black people and other non-whites are allowed to have pride in their culture.

    But wait, Blacks are permitted, by you, to have pride in an American Black culture because their culture was stolen. Well, that’s pretty much just blacks. What about the other shades of brown and yellow? How do other cultures exist in America? By your reasoning, everyone should be acting with societal norms of their ancestors, eating foods native to their X-generation removed fore-bearers, listening to music in languages they don’t speak… etc. Even if you’re first generation American being raised by folks from the motherland then you’re probably a lot further removed from that culture than you would care to imagine. If you grew up in America, this is your culture.

    4)Nobody stole my culture, but you’re sure trying to pretend that it a) doesn’t exist and b) isn’t allowed to exist because I know where my great grandparents lived? What the fuck does anything they ever did in their lives, on either side of an ocean, have to do with me? I don’t share the same language, religion, profession, or diet with those people. I don’t deny that black culture exists. I don’t deny that Mexicans have a culture, I recognize that it differs from that of both Spain and the native cultures that existed before the invasion. Why must you pretend that I may have no White American culture? What the fuck is Emo or Punk music, or sandals w/ socks, or mayo on everything, or any other stereotypical white phenomenon if not part of a widely shared culture?

    5) I mean I don’t care because it has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Nothing to do with what the mans t-shirt says, or anything else that you said, ‘All the confederates fought for slavery’. Who the fuck denied that? Even if they were conscripted and forced to fight, like the black slaves the confederate army forced to fight for them; obviously they were pro-slavery too.

    Fuck woke; that’s a label for people following fashionable talking points with no understanding or critical thought given to the positions they mirror.


    1) youtu.be/cRXNaUz5LGY

    It’s not huge, like the Tea Party isn’t huge, like the KKK isn’t huge, like the Black Panthers isn’t huge, like ISIS isn’t huge, but it’s there and it exists and it’s vocal. And you seem to be about half a bee’s dick away from being in that camp, just my opinion.

    2&3) Culture vs skin color. So I’m Danish, Swedish, and Irish. Do I have pride in all of them equally or is it based on what fraction I am of each? Do I follow my paternal line and just declare myself Danish? I have to go back over 100 years to get to any of those countries because I’m a 4th generation American. I guess I’m not allowed to share in the American culture, or does it exist? Lots of things are considered American like Rock and Roll, putting sugar in everything, imperial measurements; but I have to go back to countries that not only have I not been to, I haven’t even meet a born in Ireland, Irish person to the best of my knowledge. But Black people and other non-whites are allowed to have pride in their culture.

    But wait, Blacks are permitted, by you, to have pride in an American Black culture because their culture was stolen. Well, that’s pretty much just blacks. What about the other shades of brown and yellow? How do other cultures exist in America? By your reasoning, everyone should be acting with societal norms of their ancestors, eating foods native to their X-generation removed fore-bearers, listening to music in languages they don’t speak… etc. Even if you’re first generation American being raised by folks from the motherland then you’re probably a lot further removed from that culture than you would care to imagine. If you grew up in America, this is your culture.

    4)Nobody stole my culture, but you’re sure trying to pretend that it a) doesn’t exist and b) isn’t allowed to exist because I know where my great grandparents lived? What the fuck does anything they ever did in their lives, on either side of an ocean, have to do with me? I don’t share the same language, religion, profession, or diet with those people. I don’t deny that black culture exists. I don’t deny that Mexicans have a culture, I recognize that it differs from that of both Spain and the native cultures that existed before the invasion. Why must you pretend that I may have no White American culture? What the fuck is Emo or Punk music, or sandals w/ socks, or mayo on everything, or any other stereotypical white phenomenon if not part of a widely shared culture?

    5) I mean I don’t care because it has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Nothing to do with what the mans t-shirt says, or anything else that you said, ‘All the confederates fought for slavery’. Who the fuck denied that? Even if they were conscripted and forced to fight, like the black slaves the confederate army forced to fight for them; obviously they were pro-slavery too.

    Fuck woke; that’s a label for people following fashionable talking points with no understanding or critical thought given to the positions they mirror.

    I don’t deny he’s a racist, or prejudice. I find it entertaining that nobody woke has made mention of the anti-Semitic jew conspiracy printed below “It’s okay to be white”.


    Other folks can be racist too.
    Got it.
    And I called him a racist prick based on the antisemitic remark.
    The rest of his shirt is misguided victim playing…not exactly racist in itself, but definitely not particularly thoughtful about the state of America today or the context of how it got there.
    That would be my definition of woke…..understanding the context.


    Plus….if you don’t think the guy wearing this shirt is a racist prick, you’re probably not a very good judge of character.

    Brevity Truta

    In the background is wrestling with the urge to vomit all over his ugly blinding white statement shit.

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