What an absolutely bonkers story. There’s some great concepts here, but a whole lot of stinkers as well. The Mary Sue is strong with this story as well, with a character literally named “Hero Protagonist” and some deep thought on the operating systems of our brains. Add in a completely silly mafia pizza situation and some incredibly naive concepts of government, it’s a fun read right up to the last chapter which sorta just ends without any kind of real closure. I feel this story could have gone a few more chapters to wrap everything up, but instead we got a “and then everyone was done, The End” type of ending.
Snow Crash
Added on October 17th, 2018 by tiki god | Report Post
Tags:Book Of The Year 2018, Book Reviews, Books
Tags:Book Of The Year 2018, Book Reviews, Books
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I loved how the entire thing was written in present tense.