No more ads on MCS?

MCS is having some issues with revenue.

  1. Banned from Google Adsense, as they feel sexy ladies should not be seen with their ads.
  2. Project Wonderful is going out of business at the end of the month.
  3. Inorbitads was serving up a whole plate of gross malware and ad redirects, so they’ve been removed effective today.
  4. There’s really no one else out there to provide ads to the site that isn’t shady AF.

So why am I here complaining to you about this? The only way to make money right now on the site is either the Amazon ads that I’m about to add to the site which use creepy cookie and search tracking or Patreon.  Obviously the best choice is Patreon as it takes away all the suspense of if I’m going to be able to pay the server bills or not for the month.  If you could toss $2 a month my way I can make sure that your unfiltered stream of images continues unabated.

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    I don’t mind “shady AF”, as long as you’re open about it.
    And of course, as long as “shady AF” isn’t raeping my computer’s ports with ransomware, and shit.


    What if.
    ‘What if’ is a departure. Hard won sacrifices and accomplishments are still celebrated, but are no longer an anchor.
    ‘What if’ opens possibilities. New opportunities yet unforeseen may present itself.
    What if you exclusively migrated MCS to Reddit, Tumblr, or similar? For all the “Cons” that leap to mind, and sputtering ‘buts’, consider this. Cost is solved. Decreased system support time returns hours of your life. Audience potential skyrockets.

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