2018-04 Previews Order

This is the first time I’ve done an official previews order for comic books, where I went through their entire catelog of bullshit they’re selling and pick out what I’m interested in and give it to the local comic shop (LCS), who adds it all to a spread sheet, then manually go through the Diamond website and orders all the shit.  It’s one of the most backwards ass systems that I’ve personally used.  There’s talk about a modernized system coming “soon” where you just log into the Previews site and select what you want, then 60 days later it shows up at your LCS, but who knows when and if that system will ever be delivered.

Since I’m all about generating content for my sites, I’m going to be posting my orders to www.myconfinedspace.com www.comiccovers.com and www.comic-images.com along with some comments on why I’m reading it or perhaps even making fun of the cover.

These comics are due to be delivered to Local Comic Shops in June.

Quick edit: this post is breaking the entire site, so uh, lemme put a more tag here to try to fix it:

I’m happy they’re finally starting a “jumping on point”, as the first issue of this series had no context and no indication of who the character is or what his powers are, how he got them, or what’s even going on his his world. Just this: plop, here’s a guy freaking out about a thing (here’s a guy (notes)(notes) here’s a guy but in black in white) here’s more notes (notes on the notes)….what I’m saying is that first issue of this series was a nearly unreadable cluster fuck.

I like the dog with the nanites, he’s adorable when he’s ripping heads off.

It’s a shame you have to buy a miniseries to find out what X-O gets up to on his first days back from solar sailing, that feels more like a Marvel move than a Valiant one.

I like everything about Ninja-K except for Ninja-K.

I’m a huge fan of the powers and how unseriously this series is written.  Also, I’m a huge fan of the Goat.

This series seems so stupid it might be good.

They have to do a flashback because the main X-O story is going on in another series, which is bullshit.  That being said, the flashbacks in this series are some of the best stories.

Holy fuck this character is a lot different than the movie version that I knew first.

This series has had some really weak covers, this is the first one that I actually liked out of the other 8 or 10 variants.  I’m not happy they’re going back to the Mirror universe, the concept is so completely played out at this point.

I’m not entirely sure if this is an ongoing series or yet another mini series.  I’m ok with either, just as long as it’s not another anthology series like Megazine or 2000AD is, I need more than 4-6 pages of story.

My first issue of the series since Marvel was printing the franchise, I’m hesitant because this series did not age well every time I checked back in on it.  The movies were bleh, the other comics were bleh.  I’m hoping IDW has it figured out by now though.

I posted this image earlier before I decided to do this post, I do love me some Master Chief.

48 Page book that I’ll review and give details on www.startrekbookclub.com

I got into this series way too late and now I’m playing catch up, it’s amazing and I wish I had started it years ago.

I like this version of Kick-Ass more than I liked the original version, though honestly I didn’t read those books when they first came out.

This is a great concept that’s rolling out way too slowly for my tastes, I’d like it all at once please.

Another series that I want more of immediately after I finish the issue.

I’m happy that they’re sending Frank up against some heavy weights, but I can’t help but think they’re going to end up with the same old stalemate storyline where all sorts of henchmen get shot up but the “named” bad guy gets away.

This has been a pretty good series so far with stories between the movies showing how alliances were made, a treaties were signed with ratifcation of multiple committees of peace and …zzzzzzz

Darth Vader woooo. this will be my first issue of this series, I’m on the hunt for back issues.

Another first issue, I’m told that it’s among the better of Disney’s Lucasfilm’s Marvel’s books.

Golly, is Lando a droid slaver now?

OK, so this issue here…I’m not even sure off hand what series it is, they didn’t put the tradedress or title on it, so I have to look it up real quick….


…guess I”ll need to grab the other three issues of this as they come to the store.  It’s weird as fuck that they waited so damn long to do the adaptation, but judging with how the movie was still being written as it was being shot, I guess it shouldn’t be too surprising.

Poe Dameron, he’s a pretty cool guy and isn’t afraid of anyone.

I have absolutely loved every issue of this series, what is it about the Thrawn persona that seems to play so well in the Star Trek Universe?


Ok, so the rest of these below are the “True Believers” series which I thought was pretty dumb when I first heard of it, but I seem to have fallen for them hook, line, and sinker.  They’re all reprints of older books and sell for a single dollar, which is basically below cost selling of comic books.  Last month they did eight Venom books, they were all the first issues in some classic Venom stories, some not so classic from just a couple years ago.  I’m pretty sure this is the same sales tactic they’re using with their digital sales where they give you the first issue free in the hopes you’ll like what you see and buy the rest of the books.

I’m not saying it’s working, but I did go out and find a few TPBs for free on amazon based on their recommendations, specifically Thanos Rising, which is free if you have Prime, Prime Reading, or are Jeff Bezos.



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    tiki god

    LMAO, this post is hilariously fucking up the entire site’s layout but i’m too much of a lazy fuck to go back through every image up there and put the much smaller ones.

    Fuck I need to figure this out.

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