I’m not going to approve any other posts with those things in them for a long while.
Thinking about revisiting how posts are submitted, maybe thinking about pushing everything over to plus.myconfinedspace.com and just letting images like these sit there for all of eternity and let the main site be for more interesting posts.
That would include the sudden influx of shitty political memes too I think.
Yay! No more political shit. I was wondering how the process worked.
more ponies?
Christ! Thank you. That was a nightmare.
I’m loving the petroglyph dump.
C’mon….graphic design as old as humanity itself?
What’s not to love?
Those and the minerals can stay. Pretty eye candy. Political memes… not so much.
I thought you were being spammed, they were ok its just that there we way too many in one hit.
We were. Sadly not the first time, and probably not the last.