How many Liberals does it take to solve a problem? None–Liberals don’t solve problems they just throw someone else’s money at them.
11 years ago
Its not like Libtards blame Bush for everything….
Nurgen (#177884)
11 years ago
Deliberately divisive and lame generalization. It just encourages equally lame responses like the inevitable anti-liberal crap above. Sucks for the liberal republicans that have both sides bitching at them.
There are no liberal Republicans that are running for, let alone in, office now.
Obama is a Republican by his actions. Which says something when you have to run as a Democrat to be elected as a moderate Republican to get elected in today’s conditions.
11 years ago
Well, I certainly won’t be voting for Obama ever again!
to be fair obama…..he’s dark….
I blame obama
With this fool in charge, we are ALL kept in the dark.
He’s a fucking crook!
U mad Bro?
How many Liberals does it take to solve a problem? None–Liberals don’t solve problems they just throw someone else’s money at them.
Its not like Libtards blame Bush for everything….
Deliberately divisive and lame generalization. It just encourages equally lame responses like the inevitable anti-liberal crap above. Sucks for the liberal republicans that have both sides bitching at them.
There are no liberal Republicans that are running for, let alone in, office now.
Obama is a Republican by his actions. Which says something when you have to run as a Democrat to be elected as a moderate Republican to get elected in today’s conditions.
Well, I certainly won’t be voting for Obama ever again!
I see what you did there!
And Obama blames everything on Bush, nearly two terms later.
More sad tired political BS, designed to deflect attention from a failed presidency, a failed government, and a failed political system.
‘ruralcounsel’ lol yeah you sound like quite the brain trust