Women passing 40 or 150lbs causes erectile dysfunction.
Strippers are the cure.
You keep telling yourself that.
*Pats head*
Ya…I’m the dumb one…lol
In case your confused this post refers to sex and sexual dysfunction.
It’s like when your hump your pillow and your mom tells you to stop or she’ll take your computer time away and then your dinky isn’t stiffwood any more.
Except for people who aren’t fucking retarded.
If I have to explain the joke to you, you’re it.
commafail again
You can’t explain shit to an ass.
You’re a retard.
A complete fucking knob.
You’re stupid, kid. It’s a fucking fact.
Women passing 40 or 150lbs causes erectile dysfunction.
Strippers are the cure.
You keep telling yourself that.
*Pats head*
Ya…I’m the dumb one…lol
In case your confused this post refers to sex and sexual dysfunction.
It’s like when your hump your pillow and your mom tells you to stop or she’ll take your computer time away and then your dinky isn’t stiffwood any more.
Except for people who aren’t fucking retarded.
If I have to explain the joke to you, you’re it.
commafail again
You can’t explain shit to an ass.
You’re a retard.
A complete fucking knob.
You’re stupid, kid. It’s a fucking fact.