Richard Romney

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    Not to worry: I’m sure the little O will spread this message to all 57 states.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    It’s much worse not knowing every single religion in the world than ruining the country you promised to fix. 😐

    I hearded that on Romney’s FB he accerdonterly misspelled a word. What a horrible option for president. He can’t finesse journalists or deliver placating sound bites like a drone and Hollywood doesn’t like him. It’s best to vote for the guy who already showed everyone he can’t do the job at all and is a dismal failure because he has super PAC support and a big white smile. He’s not 100% white so he’s demographically ideal. That’s how American should be run. On bullshit.


    I doubt it, it’s old news just like the “57 states” crone. Nobody really cares about these gaffs and typos, anyway – that is unless you claim to hold like, three college degrees or something.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca



    You fucking rube.

    Some of us went to university.

    Do you ever NOT look like a fucking idiot? Is it possible?


    McDolands University doesnt count


    Gah McDonalds even, still Mags did come top of our class.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Why didn’t you just say Devry or something?

    You fucking idiots can’t even insult someone without looking stupid.


    Well, I guess you’re an expert on insulting people and looking stupid –


    And how is your alleged education relevant? Are you Mitt Romney or Barack Obama? Yes, some of us went to University – and some of us learned how to follow a conversation.

    Try to keep up next time, will you?


    I demand to see a University Degree Certificate!

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    wtf is wrong with your brain, dumbshit?

    Follow a conversation? Show me where I deviated, you fucking moron.

    You brought up academia but as usual you fucked up.
    I corrected you.
    Some other blind sheep tried to help you out…failed bad.
    I then gave him a tip on how to try better next time.

    Then you come out with ‘follow along!’ and ‘how is education relevant?’?

    You brought it up you fucking idiot. lol

    No wonder it’s so natural for you to be a die hard leftism drone. I don’t think an actual thought exists in your head. You just retread with the pamphlets told you. Good job. You’d have made an amazing (GODWINS GODWINS YOU CAN’T CALL OBAMA OR SOCIALISTS NAZIS NO MATTER HOW EXACTLY THEY ACT LIKE THEM CAUSE I SAID GODWINS AND THAT NEGATES IT AND MAKES ME SMERT!) NAZI! Though a pretty low level paper pushing one. I imagine you’re quite a frail little thing.


    Ah, Magnus – deluded as usual.

    If you look, I responded to co-mountainmanusanet’s post, not your dumb-ass response to it, which had long been “hidden due to low comment rating”. I didn’t fuck up – I wasn’t talking to you. I don’t give a rabid rat’s ass whether you claim to have attended a university or a college – as I have pointed out before whatever you did certainly didn’t improve your writing skills or your critical reasoning. You can claim to have a dozen PhDs from Harvard – you’re still a borderline illiterate.

    The reference was to the candidate’s education, not yours, shithead. If you can’t even follow a news thread you should get off the internet.

    BTW – Do you even know who the Nazi’s were? Or is that just some epithet you fling around because you think it scares people? It doesn’t – it just shows you have no knowledge of history OR politics.

    Ever stop to wonder why so many of your posts wind up “hidden due to low comment rating”? Is because most of the people here think you’re a dickhead.

    And you’re just too stupid to realize it, no matter how many people tell you.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    a) click the latest reply and you’ll reply in line with the latest comment in the proper thread

    b) lie all you want you were talking to me. lie some more you brought up my degrees and the number 3 because it bothers you that you have no education and I have degrees to spare

    c) you already responded to me after I responded to you. Now you’re claiming you weren’t addressing me and thinking anyone would buy that fucking bullshit? Fuck you’re pathetic and stupid

    d) it takes like 3 downvotes to hide a comment. So you, retard, and another sheep is all it takes. Most people here? Sorry shitberg but there was a community of people on this site long before your faggot closet case ass showed up. Most people here just ignore you and retard lol

    e) I don’t think you have an clue what so ever what the Nazi party was at all. In fact I know you have to google every little fact you pass off as knowledge. Sad

    You are fucking sad lol


    So what I have a PhD, this does not make me super intelligent or better than anyone else.
    I know a lot of people that never went to University, and believe me they are very very intelligent.
    So I would suggest that you don’t fall into the trap of thinking that because you have a few letters after you’re name you are the Cats Meow….oh wait..too late.

    Seriously Mags, you do not come across as a nice person, educated or not. Thats the main issue. You seem to be filled with hate for just about everything and everyone that doesn’t agree with you, and what puzzles me is with that kind of outlook how in the name of god you managed to get three degrees. For that you would have to be a lot more flexible in your viewpoint, especially if your background is in the sciences.


    I thought I already told you that I don’t down-vote you.

    Unlike you I don’t believe in censorship.

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