rand or christ

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    This is politics, not ideology – you say anything it takes to get ahead and justify your desires


    Neither. I’ll just masturbate in the corner over a picture of Ronald Regan instead.


    If I had to choose…well…ultimately, Christ is more fuckable.


    Worst. mental. image. ever.


    That is the WHITEST painting of Jesus I have ever seen. He looks like a cross between Jan Michael Vincent and James Taylor. He was a Jew, who was born in Bethlehem, moved to Nazareth, and died in Judea. You think this fucker was white?

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    You think racial designations in different geographic regions was the same 2000 years ago as today?

    You do know Christianity was born from Judaism right?

    The lol. It’s at you.


    In Africa they think he’s black. Think of him as Galactus: his appearance might change depending on who looks at him.


    The Japanese sects have similar, they believe that Jesus (somehow) travelled to Japan, where he hada Japanese brother who was crucified (because that shit runs in the family)

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    were not was

    WordPress commenting needs an edit function so Tiki can have it on this site since none of this is custom coded and no wonder it’s the shart


    As usual, people commenting on what they do not understand, nor want to.
    Whole passage: Jesus had just spoken to the rich young man who claimed to have perfectly kept all the commandments (a lie) and wanted to know ***what good works** he could do to assure getting into heaven. Christ told him, **in that case,** give away everything he had— at which point the rich young man turned away.

    he states It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to enter into heaven …. his disciples are bewildered, because in their culture a rich man was assumed to have been blessed by God for his righteousness (as Abraham, Joseph, Israel, Isaac, Job had been….) IF anyone could get into heaven by good works, a rich man could. They asked “who then can possibly get into heaven?”

    Jesus THEN said “With man it is impossible; with God, all things are possible.” Salvation was to be a gift of grace— paid for on calvary by christ’s sacrifice, and given freely to rich and poor, Jew and Gentile alike.

    It was not a commandment to buy heaven by giving away all your possessions.

    As to Ayn Rand— she was blind on many things (as most human beings are.) But she bloody well pegged the folly of liberalism and subjectivism right on the nose. That “charity” by coercion is not charity. That simply doing things “for the greater good” or “For the children” did not make them, in and of themselves, good things (the Comtean notion of morality) and in fact enabled most horrific evils. That if a society wishes to protect minorities from persecution, it must start with the smallest minority– the minority of one, the individual.
    That she rejected Christianity out of hand is a tragedy. But hardly surprising, as she had escaped from the Soviet Union where the unspeakable evils of socialism had been wrought in the name of “compassion and charity” and Comtean morality— and she came to the free world only to find that the great majority of churches were now preaching Comtean morality right from the pulpit!


    Do you think Jesus would want you to give half your money to the poor, or keep the money for yourself?

    Yeah, I think we both know the answer to that, stingy pseudo-Christian.


    It’s funny to me that you spend your time antagonizing Christians for not being Christian.

    Have you let them know yet that socialism is more christian than capitalism?


    It’s more like being a peasant.


    Aside from the several good points already made.

    Rich Republicans strongly dislike the “moral majority” conservative part of the party. They are Embarrassed by them.

    The conservatives would like the pot smoking sinning liberal pieces of shit to register as the democrats that they are, and get the hell out of the Republican party.


    It’s funny how every thread you go to buttfucks comments are blocked

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