He also pisses off people that don’t like expanding government power and introducing new laws to restrict rights. Isn’t that something that republicans are supposed to be against?
Yeah…I think It’s the last page of the Constitution that lists all the free stuff the Government is supposed to come up with once people decide to stop working and vote Democrat. I’m pretty sure it covers BCP’s, rubbers, beer kegs and ear wax remover.
Nurgen (#177884)
12 years ago
He doesn’t just want to stop you getting contraception through insurance, he doesn’t want you to have access to it at all. The original post is referring to separation of church and state, not the insurance rubbish anyhow.
12 years ago
He is on video record stating that it scares the shit out of him that we have separation of church and state, and that it sickens him. He was referring specifically about a speech JFK made when people were afraid he was a “papist”. The arguement was that as soon as a catholic took over the presidency, he would turn power over to the pope, or be a puppet for the pope. JFK was stating that even if that was his intention, the government would never allow such a takeover, and the laws of the people would prevent such a thing from happening.
Which is ironic, because such a speech is what is basically giving Santorum (as a catholic mind you) the ability to run now without such claims. That literal speech has merit for allowing him to run. And Santorum is throwing it in JFK’s face, saying “fuck no, lets have religion and government be the same thing”. On top of all this nonsense, it shows a real lack of understanding of what the 1st amendment is supposed to be about.
Yeah – because the right to contraception is in the 8th amendment.
That’s not the Constitution, that’s health insurance. If you look carefully you can see the difference.
There’s a difference between “doesn’t understand” and “doesn’t give a fuck about”.
I hope he wins because he pisses off hippies and faggots.
He also pisses off people that don’t like expanding government power and introducing new laws to restrict rights. Isn’t that something that republicans are supposed to be against?
Why do you bother? Are you even trying, anymore?
Yeah…I think It’s the last page of the Constitution that lists all the free stuff the Government is supposed to come up with once people decide to stop working and vote Democrat. I’m pretty sure it covers BCP’s, rubbers, beer kegs and ear wax remover.
He doesn’t just want to stop you getting contraception through insurance, he doesn’t want you to have access to it at all. The original post is referring to separation of church and state, not the insurance rubbish anyhow.
He is on video record stating that it scares the shit out of him that we have separation of church and state, and that it sickens him. He was referring specifically about a speech JFK made when people were afraid he was a “papist”. The arguement was that as soon as a catholic took over the presidency, he would turn power over to the pope, or be a puppet for the pope. JFK was stating that even if that was his intention, the government would never allow such a takeover, and the laws of the people would prevent such a thing from happening.
Which is ironic, because such a speech is what is basically giving Santorum (as a catholic mind you) the ability to run now without such claims. That literal speech has merit for allowing him to run. And Santorum is throwing it in JFK’s face, saying “fuck no, lets have religion and government be the same thing”. On top of all this nonsense, it shows a real lack of understanding of what the 1st amendment is supposed to be about.