Looking for a few good men (and women)

I need some volunteers to help with a new image site, just upload a couple images to www.tikiwebgroup.com or add a youtube video, or even add a blog post of your own, I’m trying to stress test it to see what can be done. right now I can’t really figure out how to format the blog stuff on the front page, and I need content to figure it out.

right now the ‘most recent’ thing on the front page is acting wonky and I need your help to figure out why.

so please, just upload some derpy images on www.tikiwebgroup.com or make a derp blog.

Interesting point of interest, had a great day for traffic yesterday, over 70,000 pageviews! if you guys keep it up, I just might not have to live in a paper box…

edit: two people have taken me up on my test. I greatly appreciated that, but i need more people to take the test.

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    get my school to give me As and I’ll actually post somethong


    it wont show the picture


    no, i found the problem.
    go back to drinking

    Luke Magnifico

    I have some pictures… PRAY I DO NOT SUBMIT THEM


    How does imgderp handle gifs? Excellently?


    This thread is getting worse all the time.

    Luke Magnifico

    So I posted an image.

    I don’t know where it went though. It’s a mystery to me.

    Luke Magnifico

    Oh, there it is, took a few seconds to appear under images.


    That’s what killing the overload of ponys will do for ya.


    I’ll give you a paper box


    I post shit that fucks up your shit dog.


    Is it cool if I post stuff to both here and imgderp?


    I went there and posted. I’m gonna do it again too, like masturbation or sex, mostly masturbation.


    Interesting point of interest, had a great day for traffic yesterday, over 70,000 pageviews!

    If I’m not mistaken, most of the posts yesterday are all about ponies… what the fuck people??? 70k views for ponies!?!?! 😛


    Apilny is a go then
    not stop month of ponies, billions of views





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